
Implementation of the Extended Exposure Fusion (EEF) proposed in [WACV '20 paper reference]

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Extended Exposure Fusion (EEF)

Octave/Matlab implementation of Extended Exposure Fusion, an improved exposure fusion for real bracketed exposure sequences. Charles Hessel charles.hessel@cmla.ens-cachan.fr CMLA, ENS Paris-Saclay

This method is associated to an IPOL publication:

Extended Exposure Fusion, Charles Hessel, In Image Processing On Line 9 (2019) https://www.ipol.im/pub/pre/278/

This method was first described in the following paper:

HESSEL, Charles, MOREL, Jean-Michel, An Extended Exposure Fusion and its Application to Single Image Contrast Enhancement. In: 2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). IEEE, 2020. (to appear)

Version 1.0 released on December, 2019 Future version of this code: https://github.com/chlsl/extended-exposure-fusion-ipol


Two fusion methods are included:

  1. Extended Exposure Fusion, the method described in the associated IPOL paper. It is implemented in eef.m. Use runeef.m to run it from the command line.
  2. Exposure Fusion, the initial method (implemented by T. Mertens); it is provided for comparison purposes. Call it using run_ef.m.

Additionally, the bash script image_registration.sh is provided to register a bracketed exposure sequence. Details concerning this program can be found at the end of this file.

The directory is organized as follows:

├── README.md                               # This README
├── composeHomographies.m               (*) # For the registration
├── eef.m                                   # Main file for EEF method
├── exposureFusion                          # T. Mertens' code, slightly modified
│   ├── LICENSE                         (*)
│   ├── README.md                       (*)
│   ├── downsample.m                    (*)
│   ├── exposure_fusion.m                   # Main file for EF
│   ├── gaussian_pyramid.m              (*)
│   ├── laplacian_pyramid.m             (*)
│   ├── pyramid_filter.m                (*)
│   ├── reconstruct_laplacian_pyramid.m (*)
│   └── upsample.m                      (*)
├── image_registration.sh               (*) # For the registration
├── multiscaleBlendingColor.m               # For the EEF method
├── remapFun.m                              # For the EEF method
├── robustNormalization.m               (*) # For the EEF method
├── run_ef.m                                # Interface with exposureFusion/exposure_fusion.m
└── runeef.m                                # Interface with eef.m

(*): not reviewed

Non-reviewed code:

  • The code in the directory exposureFusion is written by Tom Mertens and can be found at https://github.com/Mericam/exposure-fusion (commit 03e2469). Only the file exposure_fusion.m is modified with respect to Tom Mertens' version; a changelog is included in the file itself.

  • The scripts run_ef.m and robustNormalization.m share large parts with the one published in

    Charles Hessel, An Implementation of the Exposure Fusion Algorithm, Image Processing On Line, 8 (2018), pp. 369–387. https://doi.org/10.5201/ipol.2018.230

  • The registration script is strictly identical to the one used in the publication cited above.


To run this programm, you can use either GNU Octave (version 4.0 or higher) or Matlab (version R2016b or higher).

For Octave, the image package should be first installed. Simply type pkg install image in the Octave prompt (or use eval as in the example below). You will also need gnuplot and fig2dev to print the figure with Octave.

octave --eval 'pkg install -forge image'
apt-get install gnuplot fig2dev


1. Extended Exposure Fusion

Get help by calling the program runeef.m without arguments. It outputs:

Usage: octave -W -qf runeef.m Beta Wsat Bsat nScales improve image0 image1 [image2 ... imageN]
- Beta: restrained dynamic range in (0,1] (recommended: 0.3)
- Wsat: maximal percentage of white-saturated pixels (recommended: 1)
- Bsat: maximal percentage of black-saturated pixels (recommended: 1)
- nScales: number of scales (recommended: 0). Use
    - n for n scales,
    - 0 for standard depth (as in Mertens et al.),
    - -1 for autoMin (smallest dimension has size 1 in the residual), and
    - -2 for autoMax (largest dimension has size 1 in the residual).
- improve: 1 to use the improved weights, as described in the IPOL paper.
           0 to use the "normal" weights, as described in the WACV paper. (recommended: 1)
- image0: first mandatory image of the sequence
- image1: second mandatory image of the sequence
- image2..imageN: (optional) following images of the sequence.

This script can be run with Matlab too. Please refer to the README file.


Assuming the input sequence in the directory test,

octave -W -qf runeef.m 0.3 1 1 0 1 test/*.jpg

will apply extended exposure fusion to the provided bracketed sequence and save the result with the name output_eef.png. Another file is written; it is a plot of the remapping functions used. Its name is remapFun.png. The simulated images and their weights are saved too.

With Matlab, the command is

matlab -nodesktop -nodisplay -nosplash -batch "runeef 0.3 1 1 0 1 test/grandcanal_mean.jpg test/grandcanal_over.jpg test/grandcanal_under.jpg"

Note: The option "-batch" has been recently introduced in Matlab. If it is not available, use

matlab -nodesktop -nodisplay -nosplash -r "try, runeef('0.3', '1', '1', '0', '1', 'test/grandcanal_mean.jpg', 'test/grandcanal_over.jpg', 'test/grandcanal_under.jpg'), catch ME, fprintf('Error: %s: %s\n',ME.identifier,ME.message), end, quit"


Using the above command, the result output_eef.png should be identical to the provided file test/output_eef_expected.png.

Tested with the following configurations: mac os 10.12, Octave 5.1.0; mac os 10.12, Matlab R2018b; Ubuntu 18.04, Octave 4.2.2.

2. Exposure Fusion

Get help by calling the program run_ef.m without arguments. It outputs:

Usage: octave -W -qf run_ef.m Wsat Bsat nScales image0 image1 [image2 ... imageN]
- Wsat: maximal percentage of white-saturated pixels (recommended: 1)
- Bsat: maximal percentage of black-saturated pixels (recommended: 1)
- nScales: number of scales (recommended: 0). Use
    - n for n scales,
    - 0 for standard depth (as in Mertens et al.),
    - -1 for autoMin (smallest dimension has size 1 in the residual), and
    - -2 for autoMax (largest dimension has size 1 in the residual).
- image0: first and mandatory image of the sequence
- image1: second mandatory image of the sequence
- image2..imageN: (optional) following images of the sequence.

This script can be run with Matlab too. Please refer to the README file.


Assuming an input sequence in the directory test,

octave -W -qf run_ef.m 1 1 0 test/*.jpg

will apply exposure fusion and save the result in output_ef.png. Some other files are written too: the input images, the weights maps and the remapping functions. These supplementary files are used in the online demo.

With Matlab, the command is

matlab -nodesktop -nodisplay -nosplash -batch "run_ef 1 1 0 test/grandcanal_mean.jpg test/grandcanal_over.jpg test/grandcanal_under.jpg"

If the -batch option is not available in your version of Matlab, use -r instead. Refer to the previous section for help.


Using the above command, the result output_ef.png should be identical to the provided file test/output_ef_expected.png.

Sequence registration

The (optional) script image_registration.sh register a series of images on a reference. The reference is the mid-sequence image. Its code is part of the publication

Charles Hessel, An Implementation of the Exposure Fusion Algorithm, Image Processing On Line, 8 (2018), pp. 369–387. https://doi.org/10.5201/ipol.2018.230

and has been reviewed in this context. Please refer to this paper for details.

The following steps are applied. First, to pairs of consecutive images in the sequence:

  1. midway image equalization (give the two images the same histogram);
  2. estimation of the homography. Then, pairing all images with the reference one:
  3. computation of the homography for non-adjacent images (by composition of the previously estimated homographies);
  4. interpolation of the registered image.

Prerequisites and installation instructions

We report below a condensed recap of the prerequisite and build instructions of the three program called by the registration script. More information can be found in the readme files of the respective source code.

Required environment: Any unix-like system with a standard compilation environment (make, C compiler and C++ compiler)

Required libraries:

  • libpng and gnuplot for midway
  • in addition: lipjpeg, libtiff for homography
  • in addition: (optional) gsl for bspline interpolation.

1) Midway Image Equalization

Midway Image Equalization (Thierry Guillemot, and Julie Delon, Implementation of the Midway Image Equalization, Image Processing On Line, 6 (2016), pp. 114–129. https://doi.org/10.5201/ipol.2016.140)

wget http://www.ipol.im/pub/art/2016/140/midway.zip
unzip midway.zip
(cd src_ipol && make)

2) Homography estimation

Homography estimation (Thibaud Briand, Gabriele Facciolo, and Javier Sánchez, Improvements of the Inverse Compositional Algorithm for Parametric Motion Estimation, Image Processing On Line, 8 (2018), pp. 435–464. https://doi.org/10.5201/ipol.2018.222). Tested with the Github version at commit 01ffa47.

wget https://github.com/tbriand/modified_inverse_compositional/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
(cd modified_inverse_compositional-master && make)

3) Bspline interpolation

Bspline interpolation (Thibaud Briand, and Pascal Monasse, Theory and Practice of Image B-Spline Interpolation, Image Processing On Line, 8 (2018), pp. 99–141. https://doi.org/10.5201/ipol.2018.221)

wget http://www.ipol.im/pub/art/2018/221/bspline_1.00.zip
unzip bspline_1.00.zip
(cd bspline_1.00 && \
    mkdir build && cd build && \
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../src && \

4) Move the binaries in the same directory as "image_registration.sh"

mv src_ipol/bin/midway \
    modified_inverse_compositional-master/inverse_compositional_algorithm \
    bspline_1.00/build/bspline .

To use Matlab instead of Octave

The script uses Octave for multiplying matrices. To use Matlab instead, you will have to modify both composeHomographies.m and image_registration.sh. In composeHomographies.m, replace the first line by

function composeHomographies (f_B2A, f_C2B, f_C2A)

then in image_registration.sh, uncomment

function matlab_compose {
  matlab -nodesktop -nojvm -r "composeHomographies('$1','$2','$3'); quit"

from line 10 to line 13 (and comment line 9). Remember that matlab must be in your path.


Add the current directory to the search path so that the executables can be found by the script:

export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)

Then, simply run

./image_registration.sh image1 image2 ... imageN

This registers the N images on image number (floor(N/2)). The output images have "registered" appended to their file name.


Assuming a directory "house" copied inside "src" and containing the images "A.jpg", "B.jpg", "C.jpg" and "D.jpg" sorted by exposure time. Register with:

./image_registration.sh house/A.jpg house/B.jpg house/C.jpg house/D.jpg

Known issues

For Ubuntu users, if sudo apt install fig2dev complains about not being able to locate fig2dev, try installing transfig instead.