
This repositories contains a collection of tools that allows to interact with Mozilla's continuos integration.

Primary LanguagePython

mozci - Mozilla Continuous Integration Tools

Travis-CI Build Status Documentation Status Test coverage status


pip install git+https://github.com/armenzg/mozilla_ci_tools.git


Usage is described in the documentation: https://mozilla-ci-tools.readthedocs.org


To run the all tests run:



Developing on this project requires your environment to have these minimal dependencies:

  • Tox - for running the tests
  • Setuptools - for building the package, wheels etc. Now-days Setuptools is widely available, it shouldn't pose a problem :)
  • Sphinx - for updating the documentation

Note: the layout for this project came from the Cookiecutter template https://github.com/ionelmc/cookiecutter-pylibrary-minimal.