
a distributed FUSE filesystem with offline operations support

Primary LanguagePython

Important note: while what is in this README is still relevant for the
code in this project, I have stopped developing the python version of
sharebox.  Due to performance issues, I have switched to a C version,
which makes copying big files one order of magnitude faster.

See https://github.com/chmduquesne/sharebox-fs


Sharebox is a distributed FUSE filesystem for sharing files across several

- [ok] It supports disconnected operations: you can go offline and modify
  a file and the modifications will be propagated when you'll be back.
- [not implemented - see the branch mergetool] If several hosts modify the
  same file, an interactive conflict handler is spawned on the hosts (but
  only one host needs to resolve the conflict).
- [ok] Of course, built-in automatic versioning is provided
- [not implemented] with a configurable number of versions.
- [ok] It is also space-efficient: files appear as present on the system
  but are actually downloaded from peers on demand.
- [not implemented] You can also control where your data lives with a set
  of commands.


- fully distributed
- offline operations
- copy on write
- builtin versioning
- interactive conflicts handling

An important detail: sharebox is nothing more than a very simple
filesystem layer around the wonderful git-annex, which actually does all
the work. You can thank its creator for being a genius.

== Walkthrough ==

1) We create an empty directory where to actually put the files. Sharebox
will manage this directory for us.

    mkdir -p test/local/git

2) We create a directory that will be sharebox's mountpoint.

    mkdir -p test/local/mnt

3) We mount test/local/git into test/local/mnt.

    ./sharebox.py test/local/mnt -o gitdir=test/local/git

4) Now let's set up a mirror. We go with the usual commands.

    mkdir -p test/remote/git
    mkdir -p test/remote/mnt
    ./sharebox.py test/remote/mnt -o gitdir=test/remote/git

5) We still need to set the git directories as remotes.

    cd test/remote/git
    git remote add local ../../local/git
    cd ../../local/git
    git remote add remote ../../remote/git
    cd ../../..

6) It is now time for testing! Let us create a file.

    echo test > test/local/mnt/foo

7) There is nothing on the remote.

    ls test/remote/mnt

8) We will now tell the remote filesystem to synchronize. (This typically
goes in a crontab.)

    ./sharebox.py --command sync test/remote/mnt

8) The remote now appears to have the file foo. However, it is not really
here (it would if we had mounted it with the option "-o getall"). We can
see a file named foo, but its size appears to be 0.

    ls -l test/remote/mnt
     total 0
     -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 2011-03-31 18:16 foo

9) Though if we try to access to foo, it is downloaded on the fly:

    touch test/remote/mnt/foo
    cat test/remote/mnt/foo

10) We are done. We can unmount the two directories.

    fusermount -u test/local/mnt
    fusermount -u test/remote/mnt

== State of the project ==

Sharebox is at a very early stage. Even the author still does not use it
as a working solution. There are features that are not implemented, and
there are features that haven't even been decided.

What is not implemented:

- As usual, there is no documentation and very few unit tests
- Conflicts are not handled yet
- The number of copies kept for the same file is not setable yet, but it
  should become a mount option.
- There is no way to drop unnecessary copies, nor to get deleted files

== Debugging ==

To debug, mount with the foreground option:

    sharebox.py test/local/mnt -o gitdir=test/local/git -o foreground