
The codebase for a research project that uses common spatial patterns (CSP) filters to search for waveforms in epileptic Electrocorticographic (ECoG) signals that are discriminative of the preictal and interictal state.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Code base for paper "Searching for waveforms in spatially-filtered epileptic ECoG", presented in the 10th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER).

BibTeX entry

@INPROCEEDINGS{9441220,  author={Mendoza-Cardenas, Carlos H. and Brockmeier, Austin J.},  booktitle={2021 10th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER)},   title={Searching for waveforms on spatially-filtered epileptic ECoG},   year={2021},  volume={},  number={},  pages={403-406},  doi={10.1109/NER49283.2021.9441220}}

This work uses data sets and annotations from "Virtual resection predicts surgical outcome for drug-resistant epilepsy", by L.G. Kini et al. The corresponding author kindly gave us permission to put here the annotations (the DATA.json file in the annotations folder).