Recruitment task for Kongsberg company

What does this application do?

This application fetch data about authors and the books they have written from My JSON Server API and then displays an interactive table with a list of authors. Each author's row in the table can be clicked to display the details of that author.

Link to the application preview:

How to run the application locally?

  • yarn or npm install
  • yarn start or npm run start
  • The application can be viewed at http://localhost:3000

What dependencies does this application use and for what purpuse?

Project structure

All application files are placed in the src directory

  • src/api - Contains the hooks that allow fetching data from the API. All hooks use useAPIQuery hook.
    • useAuthors - this hook fetches all authors from the API
    • useAuthorBooks - this hook fetches all books of the specific author from the API
  • src/hooks - Contains the global hooks
    • useAPIQuery - This hook allows making fetch requests to the specific API target
  • src/components - Contains the global components
    • Book - Renders book
    • Breadcrumb - Renders breadcrumb navigation
    • Button - Renders a button. HTML element can be modified using as property. (e.g. as="a")
    • Footer - Renders the footer
    • LoadingIcon - Renders an SVG with loading animation
    • Logo - Renders the application logo
    • Table - Renders a table
  • src/routes/routes.ts - Contains the routes of the application
  • src/theme - Contains the global styles
  • src/utils - Contains global utilities
    • camelCaseToNormalText - Converts camel case text to normal text (e.g., "helloWorld" to "Hello world")
    • getAuthorName - Returns the name of a specific author from the authors query array
    • mapQueryAuthorsToTableItems - Transforms the authors query array into table-like data
  • src/views - Here are all views/routes of the application
    • Root - The main application component that specifies all global components and routes
    • Home - The "/" route
    • NotFound - The component for 404 errors
    • ListOfAuthors - The component for "/list-of-authors" and "/list-of-authors/:authorId" routes. It displays a table with authors and renders AuthorBooks when authorId is specified in the URL
    • AuthorBooks - The component for "/list-of-authors/:authorId" route. It displays all books of the author.