
Nim Godot 4.x GDExtension wrapper (Proof of Concept)

Primary LanguageNimMIT LicenseMIT

GDExtension Nim Bindings

This project is a work in progress implementation / proof of concept of the Godot 4 GDExtension API.

Be aware that this is not yet usable for actual development unless you are prepared to live with a very much moving target until all the pieces have fallen into place.

Building it requires Nim 2.0 RC because by the time this project is far along enough to be used, Nim 2.0 should be released.


  • Library initialization / deinitialization hooks

  • Bindings of all builtin classes (Variant, Vector2, ...)

    • Construction, deconstruction
    • Methods
    • Properties
    • Index (keyed and positional)
    • Fixed-arity and variadic calls
  • Bindings of all utility functions

    • Fixed-arity and variadic calls
  • Godot classes:

    • Basic usage
    • Destruction
    • Calling methods
      • Works in principle, but further testing required to make sure every case works.
  • Registering custom classes:

    • Construction, Destruction hooks
    • Dynamic Properties (.get, .set in Godot)
      • Get/Set
      • Query revertible status and revert value
      • Query property List
    • Methods
      • Virtual
        • Fundamentals implemented, missing usability
      • Static
      • Instance
      • Bindcall
      • ptrcall
      • Variadic
    • Builtin Properties (.property_name in Godot)
      • Lower level exposure implemented, higher level wrapper missing
    • Signals
      • Should work, still needs testing

What somewhat works:

  • TypedArray[T] does not enforce the T or Typed part so far, but with some self discipline it will work until compile time enforcements are implemented.

  • Memory management

    • RefCounted (and it's associated Ref[T] wrapper) and manually managed objects should work, but need testing to iron out any lurking issues. Objects not deriving from RefCounted need some discipline to work with for now, until a nicer abstraction over them makes life easier.

What does not work:

  • Most likely some other things that can not be tested as of yet. The GDExtension interface is very sparsely documented for now and surprises still lurk in some corners where assumption and reality drift apart.

How it works:

Two step auto-generation from the included "contrib/extension_api.json"

nimble generateApi

This is also called automatically in the pre-install step.

This generates the following modules:

  • nimrodot/api: Very high level definitions.
  • nimrodot/enums: Global enumerations and bitfields.
  • nimrodot/utility_functions: Utility functions.
  • nimrodot/builtins/types/* (except variant): Builtin class type
  • nimrodot/builtins/* (except variant): Builtin class procs
  • nimrodot/classes/types/*: Godot Classes
  • nimrodot/classes/*: Godot Classes

Most methods are stubbed with various Macros that implement the actual glue on end-compile, i.e.

proc lerp*(self: Vector2; to: Vector2; weight: float64): Vector2
  {.gd_builtin_method(Vector2, 4250033116).}

These do the job of caching the various function pointers and converting the arguments and are implemented in the nimrodot/gdffi module.

Usage Example (Proof of Concept)

(A longer and more useful example is contained in the examples folder.

# If not specified, entry point defaults to "gdext_init"
  # Called for every initialization level
      echo "Hello World from Godot"

      # Dumping some random information for now
      var os: OS = getSingleton[OS]("OS")

      echo "Processor Name: ", os.get_processor_name()

      let fonts = os.get_system_fonts().newVariant()

      var dir = DirAccess.open("res://".newString())
      var files = dir.get_files().newVariant()

      echo fonts
      echo files

  # Called for every initialization level in reverse order
    echo "Bye World from Godot!"