
This docker-maven-plugin is a Maven plugin designed to make managing Docker images and containers from within Maven builds easy.

Goals Overview


In order to use the docker-maven-plugin, you need to add the following configuration to your pom.xml file.


                    <!-- common configuration shared by all executions -->



General Configuration

Parameter Description Property Default
url URL to the Docker daemon API docker.url http://localhost:4243
version Docker API version to use docker.version 1.15
prefix Prefix used when naming containers docker.prefix project.artifactId
images List of image parameters for starting containers docker.images none
pullImages Pull the images or use local ones docker.pullImages true

Image Configuration

Parameter Description Default
name The name of the container, essential for container linking none, required
repository Image repository (e.g., username/postgres) none, required
tag The image repository tag latest
command Command to execute inside the container on start none
ports Collection of ports to publish none
ports/port Docker exposed port to publish. Format is [hostPort:exposedPort] none
volumes List of volumes to mount inside the container. (e.g. /volume, /host:/volume) none
links List of links to containers none
wait Sleep for given amount of seconds after container has been started 0
hostname Set the container hostname the container id
env Set env variables inside a container (vv) none

Best Practices

While you have the ability to specify images to start / stop in the configuration section of the start and stop goals, this is probably not what you want to do. Defining all of your images in the general configuration section will ensure that all of the containers are started and stopped properly.