
In Short This is An Personalized Livegram Bot Made Using Python.. Follow Me @HeimanPictures & Star This Repo

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Hey, This Is Feedback Bot Made By Using Python And Pyrogram Framework This is enovation of AkKiL 😇.

This Bot Works Like Independent @LivegramBot, But With Extra Command And Even Logs Of The User Who Have Used Start Command Of The Bot...



You can also tap the Deploy To Heroku button below to deploy straight to Heroku!

Deploy To Heroku

You can also tap the Deploy To Railway button below to deploy straight to Railway!

Deploy To Railway

Local Deploy

Terminal Or Some VPS Use This Way Of Deploy.. 😇

git clone https://github.com/HeimanPictures/Feedback-bot/
cd Feedback-bot
virtualenv -p python3 VENV
. ./VENV/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp configs.py
--- EDIT config.py values appropriately ---
python bot.py


  • None


BOT_TOKEN Your Bots Token from Bot Father.
API_ID Your Telegram API ID from Telegram API ID.
API_HASH Your Bots Token from Telegram API HASH.
AUTH_USERS Provide AUTH User ID to use admin function
BROADCAST_AS_COPYS If you provide value False then it will Forward with tag and if you give value as True then without tag. As True or False
LOG_CHANNEL Make a channel add the bot as admin and get the id of the channel using @googleimgbot
DB_URL Provided Mongodb Database link from mongodb.com
DB_NAME Provide name for DB to make session (anything)
UPDATE_CHANNEL Your Channel Link
DONATE_LINK Your Donation Link
DONATE_TEXT Your Donate Text as a string.
OWNER_ID Your ID Or Who need is going to handle this bot.
START_TEXT Your Start message as a string & There Is default Of 'Hello '.
HELP_TEXT Your Help Text as a string.

Commands for this Bot

start - To Start
help - To get help
donate - To get donate
settings - To get settings
stats - To get stats
ban_user - To ban user
unban_user - To unban user
banned_users - To get banned user
broadcast - To Broadcast [Admin]


 Kangers Keep Some Distance.. 
 If You Have Cloned It Up Before 
 Reading This Just Atleast Give Me 
        Thank You 🥰

If Anyone Want To Contribute Some Commits. They Can Upgrade It.. With Description About Update And A Test Bot.
