For, as part of the class
Implements a few models using R and python.
- Python (only tested with 2.7)
- nltk
- scikit-learn
- pandas
- PyEnchant
- R
- RandomForest
- gbm
- plyr
- ggplot2 (soft requirement)
- reshape (soft requirement)
- number of characters
- numer of sentances
- number of words
- number of syllables
- number of distinct words
- words / sentances
- characters / words
- syllabels / words
- spell_mistakes
- correctly spelled words / total words
- flag for starting with dear
- flag if has semicolon
- flag if has exclamation point
- flag if has question mark
- number of double quotes
- flag if has at least 2 double quotes
- flag indicating whether proper quote punctuation is more common or not (1 if ." is more common than "., -1 if less common, 0 if tied/neither)
- counts of parts of speech (from NLTK)
- rollups for number of nouns, verbs, adjectivs, adverbs, superlatives
- flag for ending with a preposition
- counts of the NER words (eg number of times they used @MONEY)
- TF-IDF word and bigram frequencies that were then PCA'd down to 50 cells.
- First model was OLS linear regression using a subset of the variables. I trained 5 models, one per essay set, with identical formulas. Shockingly good.
- Second model was Random Forest regression, again 5 models. Using more variables.
- Third model was GBM, same formula as random forest, using 5 models.
Also tried doing rfm and gbm with one model using set as a predictor, but it didn't seem to perform as well.
Run on test.tsv and train.tsv. This creates almost all the features/tags/variables we need to use
Run train_tagged.csv test_tagged.csv 50` to create tf-idf word vectors for each essay, and PCA down to a more usable 50 variables.
Run the R script basicModel.R to create and predict models.