Density is a project to provide easy access to the Wireless Density data from Columbia. For more details on the project, please view the spec.
Local Dev
This is the recommend means of setting up Density for development.
Next, install vagrant.
Once vagrant is installed, you can run vagrant up
, and vagrant will provision the virtual machine for you.
To run the app, follow the these steps:
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
source config/
cd density
Importing Dev Data
We use a partial dump of our data for quick-and-easy development. This gets loaded on VM provision by our Vagrant setup scripts. It contains a small subset and is not updated frequently, but is sufficient for most feature development and bug squashing.
Be sure to also insert the Oauth table so that you can make authenticated requests against the API.
Supported routes currently include:
/ : Density homepage with "fullness" graphic
/latest : APi endpoint providing the latest data available
/home : future API homepage that allows a user to obtain an API token
Data Sources
app structure
|-- config/ (config settings and install scripts)
|-- (This file)
|-- density/
|-- (the executable for this application)
|-- static/ (your static files, such as js, css, imgs)
|-- tests/ (unittest scripts that should be used during development)
List of Developers
- Brian Zeng
- David Hao
- Sungwoo Bae
- Nate Brennand
- Benjamin Low
- Jessica Forde
- Jessica Valarezo
- Maclyn Brandwein
- Jackie Ho
- Dan Schlosser
- Terra Blevins
- Evan Tarrh
- Raymond Xu