
Create the Rock Paper Scissors Game

Primary LanguageRuby

Build Status Code Climate Coverage Status

Rock-Paper-Scissors Challenge


  • Version1 Make a rock-paper-scissors class game to be playable against a computer player who chooses randomly.
  • Version2 Make an extended game of Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock to be playable against a computer player who chooses randomly.
  • Version3 Allow both players to be human.
  • Add pictures, styling and animation to make it more exciting.

Features implemented

  • Computer Player class, have name, can choose weapon at random.
  • Human Player class, have name, can enter weapon and read current weapon choice.
  • Added lizard and spock to game logic (Game class).
  • Added tests to include all possible computer v human cases of the game.
  • Added 'try again' page if human choice entered is not valid as well as associated test suites. yeah..
  • Added basic css styling (code smells due to my limited css knowledge).
  • pushed to Heroku: