Rethink Redux.
Rematch is Redux best practices without the boilerplate. No more action types, action creators, switch statements or thunks.
- Getting Started
- Purpose
- Examples
- Migration Guide
- API Reference
- Recipes
- Plugins
- Inspiration
Getting Started
npm install @rematch/core
Step 1: Init
init configures your reducers, devtools & store.
import { init } from '@rematch/core'
import * as models from './models'
const store = init({
export default store
For a more advanced setup, see plugins and Redux config options.
Step 2: Models
The model brings together state, reducers, async actions & action creators in one place.
export const count = {
state: 0, // initial state
reducers: {
// handle state changes with pure functions
increment(state, payload) {
return state + payload
effects: (dispatch) => ({
// handle state changes with impure functions.
// use async/await for async actions
async incrementAsync(payload, rootState) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
See the reducers docs to learn more, including how to trigger actions from other models.
Understanding models is as simple as answering a few questions:
- What is my initial state? state
- How do I change the state? reducers
- How do I handle async actions? effects with async/await
Step 3: Dispatch
dispatch is how we trigger reducers & effects in your models. Dispatch standardizes your actions without the need for writing action types or action creators.
import { init } from '@rematch/core'
import * as models from './models'
const store = init({
export const { dispatch } = store
// state = { count: 0 }
// reducers
dispatch({ type: 'count/increment', payload: 1 }) // state = { count: 1 }
dispatch.count.increment(1) // state = { count: 2 }
// effects
dispatch({ type: 'count/incrementAsync', payload: 1 }) // state = { count: 3 } after delay
dispatch.count.incrementAsync(1) // state = { count: 4 } after delay
Dispatch can be called directly, or with the dispatch[model][action](payload)
Step 4: View
Rematch can be used with native redux integrations such as "react-redux". See an example below.
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Provider, connect } from 'react-redux'
import store from './store'
const Count = props => (
The count is {props.count}
<button onClick={props.increment}>increment</button>
<button onClick={props.incrementAsync}>incrementAsync</button>
const mapState = state => ({
count: state.count
const mapDispatch = ({ count: { increment, incrementAsync }}) => ({
increment: () => increment(1),
incrementAsync: () => incrementAsync(1)
const CountContainer = connect(mapState, mapDispatch)(Count)
<Provider store={store}>
<CountContainer />
Migrating From Redux
Moving from Redux to Rematch involves very few steps.
Migration from 0.x to 1.x
For an earlier version, see v0.x docs. Currently only displaying v1.x documentation.
Breaking changes with v1.0.0. Global imports of dispatch
and getState
have been removed. Instead, you can export and import your store, capturing store.dispatch
, store.getState
. See the Changelog for details.
See the @rematch/core API
See the CHANGELOG to see what's new.
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