
Bash script to turn a WordPress install into static HTML.

Primary LanguageShell

RRCHNM archived this repository in February 2022. Last actual code activity was November 2015. If you need more information or to unarchive this repository, please contact us at webmaster at chnm.gmu.edu

Usage: wpstatic [options]

Run the script in the directory where you keep the wp-config.php file.
This will create a directory with a static version of the WordPress site,
complete with HTML, CSS, Javascript and images or other media files.

-a Skip everything (database backups, and htaccess check), just generate the static files

-b Skip the first backup of database

-d Skip the second backup of database

-h Show help text

-p Skip changing the permalink and closing comments options in the database

-t Skip check for and changing the .htaccess file

-z Make a zip file of the wp-content, .htaccess, and database files.