
Website for the DataScribe module and supplementary material

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository contains the website for the DataScribe module for Omeka S created by the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media.

The website is built using Hugo, a static site generator.

Any substantial or long-form edits should be made using the edits branch. This will ensure the stability of the site while edits are in process.

Content guide

New pages should go in the section with which they correspond. The index pages of the Resources, Tutorials, Lesson Plan, and Support sections are coded so that they pull from the title and summary of the pages within those sections. Remember to add pages as markdown (.md) documents or they will not appear on the parent page.

Every new lesson plan, or tutorial must include the following information at the top of the page in the metadata section:

title: Title without enclosing quotes
type: page
summary: "This summary will appear on the parent page for this page's section. It helps users know what's on this page."
weight: #

Weight helps order the pages on their respective index pages. Weight numbers correspond to the following topics:

  • 0 Preparatory work
  • 1 Project creation and management
  • 2 Dataset and form creation and management
  • 3 Transcribing
  • 4 Reviewing
  • 5 Data exports and working with exported data

The Case Studies page has a table of contents section in the page metadata. Each case study included on the page should have an entry in that section; use the existing entries as a model. Be sure that the title in the page metadata exactly matches the header for the case study's section.

Adding media to pages

To add a screenshot or other illustrative image to a page, use the code format {{< figure src="/tutorials/FileName.ext" alt="Alt Text Goes Here" class="docimg">}}. You must add alt text.

To embed a screencast on a tutorial or other page, use {{< video src="/videos/FileName.ext" >}}

File storage

There are four directories in the /static directory:

  • casestudies: illustrative images and full-text pdfs for case studies
  • tutorials: images and additional files for any tutorials
  • lessonplans: images and additional files for lesson plans
  • videos: all screencast files and any other video files