
To mimic a pizza delivery tracking system.

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CS 120 Final Project | Pizza Tracking System Program


Henry ZHONG, ███ omitted due to privacy concerns ███.

Due and Submitted by 2018.12.07, 9:00.

Edited for personal GitHub exhibition on 2019.07.29.

This document was edited based on the original lab report of CS 120's final project; as it was not written to be an introduction of the project itself, many knowledge of the project is presumed. Please checkout project_instruction to get an insight of the project requirement, and refer to Section 2. Sample Input/Output for execution samples.

In short, it is a command line program which manages the workflow of a pizza deliver system. Supported features: order registering, pizza making, driver assigning, driver delivering, and drivers' performance review.

Note that although the professor has given a skeleton framework in project_instruction, I designed and implemented my own data structure as I believe my approach is neater in terms of lines of code, and uses more advance C++ features (we only exposed to such features for the last two projects). In reflection, I have to admit that although my design is shorter, it sacrifices the "loosely coupled" principle of software engineering. In the later year of study, I realized that I have somehow built a lightweight relational database (utilizing the idea of id-collision) with many design flaws from a database perspective.

1. Program Design

1.1. Core Data Structure

Our core data structure are:

  • vector<map<string, string>> order_rec
  • vector<map<string, float>> driver_rec

Whereas every order shall be store as a vector node within order_rec (in a chronological order) and every logged-in driver shall be store as a vector node within driver_rec.

I choose to use vector<map<string, string>> as the data structure for order_rec mainly due to three reasons: 1) the built-in feature of dynamic allocation fits the purpose of adding orders. 2) the versatile support of data retrieving methods provided by STL <vector> gives my high flexibility. 3) My familiarity with vector from the pervious Hash Table lab.

I decided to use map<string, string> as the inner data structure of order_rec because I want to set the key to be a descriptive word that describing the value it hold; thus, the key must be string type. Also, consider the value should be able to hold a variety set of information (time, name, YES/NO, and etc.), it is also reasonable to be string. Similarly, since most of the information regarding driver is number, so the key for driver_rec is set to be float.

Regarding some minor data structure design:

  • Some queue and map like to_serve_queue, to_dept_queue, to_delv_map, and to_arrive_map are created to simulate the matching of orders with implicit commands.
  • map<string, int> order_sys and map<string, float> driver_sys are built to assign numerical ID to orders and drivers.
  • stack<string> time_stack and queue<string> str_queue are used in main.cpp to keep track of the latest time-related input, and to store tokenized inputs.

1.2. Workflow


The workflow logic is simple. main.cpp reads the input commands from the input.txt in a line by line manner and calling their input functions in Base.h #1 (input functions) accordingly. Thus Base.h #1 (input functions) shall therefore store data into Base.h #3 (private data members) in a organized form.

Once the output functions are called in main.cpp, Base.h #2 (output function) will be triggered, it shall retrieve data from Base.h #3 (private data members), process these data with functions from Time.h, and therefore produce the output.

2. Sample Input/Output

2.1. Given Sample Input

>> Program Input
login Bev
order 18:00 1 mushroom to 123 Holden Hall
order 18:02 4 spinach to 100 Liberty St
login Abe
serve 18:20
depart 18:20 Abe
serve 18:28
deliver 18:30 Abe 2.00
order 18:30 1 cheese 1 sausage to 1000 Beall Ave
depart 18:31 Bev
arrive 18:40 Abe
logout Abe
>> Program Output
Orders waiting to cook: 
    18:30 1 cheese 1 sausage to 1000 Beall Ave 
Orders waiting to depart: 
    Bev 18:02 4 spinach to 100 Liberty St 
Number of orders completed: 1 
Average time per delivery: 30.0 
Driver Bev: 
    Number of deliveries completed: 0 
    Average time per delivery: N/A 
    Total driving time: 0 
    Total tips: 0.00 
Driver Abe: 
    Number of deliveries completed: 1 
    Average time per delivery: 10.0 
    Total driving time: 20 
    Total tips: 2.00 

Program ended with exit code: 0 

2.2. Self-designed Input

>> Program Input
login Mike
order 18:15 10 Pepperoni pizzas, 10 hotdogs, 10 Fanta orange drinks, 10 mozzarella cheese sticks to 11 Babcock Hall
login Alex
order 18:30 15 cheese sticks to Taylor 200
serve 19:00
depart 19:00 Mike
serve 19:10
deliver 19:30 Mike 10.00
depart 19:50 Alex
deliver 20:00 Alex 0.50
arrive 20:10 Mike
login Jen
order 20:35 1 milkshake, 1 small cheesecake, 1 strawberry parfait to Taylor 200
logout Mike
serve 20:45
arrive 20:55 Alex
logout Alex
>> Program Output
Orders waiting to cook: 
Orders waiting to depart: 
    20:35 1 milkshake, 1 small cheesecake, 1 strawberry parfait to Taylor 200 
Number of orders completed: 2 
Average time per delivery: 82.5 
Driver Mike: 
    Number of deliveries completed: 1 
    Average time per delivery: 30.0 
    Total driving time: 70 
    Total tips: 10.00 
Driver Alex: 
    Number of deliveries completed: 1 
    Average time per delivery: 10.0 
    Total driving time: 65 
    Total tips: 0.50 
Driver Jen: 
    Number of deliveries completed: 0 
    Average time per delivery: N/A 
    Total driving time: 0 Total tips: 0.00 
Program ended with exit code: 0 

3. Work Distribution & Reflection

███ Edited & omitted due to privacy concerns ███

I've written Base.h, Time.h, and main.cpp files. My teammate has designed and verified two sample inputs demonstrated in Section 2.1 & 2.2. We also designed and discussed the framework (use of data structure and etc.) together.

███ Edited & omitted due to privacy concerns ███

We used Bitbucket and slack for collaboration, and we have met on 11.28, 12.5, and 12.6 for discussion.

4. Documentation

4.1. Base.h

Since the parameters are all quite self-explanatory in the following functions, this documentation section will omit the introduction of parameters.

  • Base()

    • Constructor
    • Result: set c_order_id and c_driver_id to 0.
  • void add_order (const string i_order_info, const string i_order_time);

    • Triggered by order command.
    • Result: (In this order's vector node)
      • pushed maps with key of order_info, order_time, is_serve, serve_time, is_dept, dept_time, driver_name, is_delv, delv_time, driver_tip, is_arrive, and arrive_time to order_rec.
      • set key order_info to value i_order_info.
      • set key order_time to value order_time.
      • set rest of the keys to value "NO" or "UNKNOWN".

  • void serve_order (const string i_serve_time) throw (logic_error);

    • Triggered by serve command.
    • Requirement: There is a placed but not-yet-cooked order.
    • Result: (In this order's vector node)
      • set key is_serve to value "YES";
      • set key serve_time to value i_serve_time;
  • void dept_driver (const string i_driver_name, const string i_dept_time) throw (logic_error)

    • Triggered by depart command.
    • Requirement:
      • There is a served but not-yet-departed order.
      • The assigned i_driver_name is available.
    • Result: (In this order's vector node)
      • set key is_dept to value "YES".
      • set key dept_time to value i_dept_time.
      • set key driver_name to value i_driver_name.
  • void delv_driver (const string i_driver_name, const string i_delv_time, const string i_driver_tip) throw (logic_error)

    • Triggered by delivery command.
    • Requirement:
      • There is a departed but not-yet-delivered order.
      • The assigned i_driver_name is matched with the departed driver.
    • Result: (In this order's vector node)
      • set key is_delv to value "YES".
      • set key delv_time to value i_delv_time.
      • set key driver_tip to value i_driver_tip.
  • void arrive_driver (const string i_driver_name, const string i_arrive_time) throw (logic_error)

    • Triggered by arrive command.
    • Requirement:
      • There is a delivered but not-yet-arrived driver.
      • The assigned i_driver_name is matched with the delivered driver.
    • Result: (In this order's vector node)
      • set key is_arrive to "YES".
      • set key arrive_time to i_arrive_time.
  • void login_driver (const string i_driver_name)

    • Triggered by login command.
    • Requirement: driver name has no white-spaces.
    • Result: (In this driver's vector node)
      • pushed maps with key of driver_name, is_login, is_dept, total_delv_count, total_delv_time, total_drive_time, and total_tip to driver_rec.
      • set key driver_name to value driver_id, which is obtained from c_driver_id.
      • set key is_login to value 1.
      • set all other keys to value 0.
  • void logout_driver (const string i_driver_name) throw (logic_error)

    • Triggered by logout command.
    • Requirement: i_driver_name must be available.
    • Result: (In this driver's vector node)
      • set key is_login to value 0.
  • float get_driver_id (const string i_driver_name) throw (logic_error)

    • Requirement: i_driver_name exists in driver_sys.
    • Result: return i_drive_name's driver_id by checking driver_sys.
  • string get_driver_name (const float i_driver_id) throw (logic_error);

    • Requirement: i_driver_id is bigger than 0 while less than driver_sys.size();
    • Result: return driver_id's i_drive_name by checking driver_sys.
  • get_order_id (const string i_order_info) throw (logic_error);

    • Requirement: i_order_info exists in order_sys.
    • Result: return i_order_info's order_id by checking order_sys.
  • bool is_driver_avbl (const string i_driver_name) throw (logic_error);

    • Requirement: i_driver_name exists in driver_sys.
    • Result:
      • true: i_driver_name is logged-in but not departed.
      • false: otherwise.

4.2. Time.h

  • Time();
    • Constructor.

  • float time_to_min (const Time time);
    • Parameters:
      • time: time to be convert.
    • Result: return a valid Time time from hour-min format to minutes.
  • Time elapsed_time (const Time start, const Time end);
    • Requirement: Time end is later than Time start.
    • Parameters:
      • start: start time.
      • end: end time.
    • Result: return the passed duration from Time start to Time end.
  • bool is_time (const int i_hour, const int i_min);
    • Parameters:
      • i_hour: input time's hour value for checking.
      • i_min: input time's min value for checking.
    • Result:
      • true: 0 <= i_hour <= 23 and 0 <= i_min <= 59.
      • false: otherwise.
  • bool is_same_or_later (const Time time_1, const Time time_2);
    • Parameters:
      • time_1 and time_2: times to check.
    • Result:
      • true: time_2 is same or later than time_1.
      • false: otherwise.
  • bool is_legal_input (const string last_time_str, const string current_time_str);
    • Parameters:
      • last_time_str, current_time_str: times to check, in string format.
    • Result:
      • true: if current_time_str is later than last_time_str whereas both of them are legit time (is_time() == true).
      • false: otherwise.

4.3. main.cpp

Please refer to the actual main.cpp file, in-line comments/documentations is provided.

It might be worthy to mention that code in main.cpp shall keep track of the two latest time-related inputs (order_time, serve_time, and etc.), and it shall return and exit the program if the current input is invalid (earlier than pervious input, or not in a correct Hour:Min time format);