A forward proxy module for CONNECT request handling
- 2
#287 opened by UzverNumber47 - 3
Compilation failed on ubuntu22.04
#290 opened by ZxyNull0 - 5
I also have the same problem.
#316 opened by biienu - 1
rate limiting requests
#319 opened by dl-senecaso - 1
The client uses Nginx to proxy the origin server. Sometimes, connect timeout occurs to client. I want to know whether this is caused by Nginx or the origin server.
#324 opened by Lzh566566 - 1
use this module could not pull docker image// 基于此模块部署nginx正向代理拉取docker镜像报错
#321 opened by opser-gavin - 1
How to forward proxy twice
#322 opened by ldy - 5
proxy_connect ignoring location blocks
#318 opened by markgargan - 1
cannot proxy http requests
#323 opened by sify21 - 2
Compilation failed ngx_http_proxy_connect_module-0.0.5 @ nginx-1.24.0 @ ubuntu22.04
#295 opened by lovefqy - 2
- 2
Client -> nginx reverse proxy (https) -> Squid forward proxy (http) -> Destination?
#261 opened by Angu0083 - 1
unknown directive proxy_connect_data_timeout
#289 opened by lijunyong - 1
Can I ask you something about CONNECT method?
#293 opened by soosue - 1
quic protocol
#292 opened by Ryenum - 1
Docker Build Image Error in Alpine-3.19.1 with Nginx-1.25.4 or nginx-1.20.2, proxy_connect_rewrite_*.patch
#299 opened by rootarf - 1
Is there a function that can combine this module with OpenResty to implement the approximate functionality of Burp?
#306 opened by Paper-Dragon - 2
#304 opened by ben74 - 5
is there support for nginx 1.26?
#307 opened by CrashLaker - 1
Resultant binary doesn't seem to have any ssl functionality included when building nginx from source to include this module.
#317 opened by svantiniho41 - 3
"config" file has a problem
#314 opened by biienu - 3
Installation with nginx already installed
#308 opened by rdipalmadac - 2
arm64 can't work
#297 opened by wiselike - 1
ngx_murmurhash.c error how to fix?
#285 opened by thestarrypage - 2
debian repository
#271 opened by JohnRDOrazio - 2
Does the module support tor proxy ?
#298 opened by TheShadowMax - 3
openresty- gmake errors
#311 opened by caesarok - 0
/usr/local/ngx_http_proxy_connect_module/ngx_http_proxy_connect_module.c:1664:39: 错误:‘ngx_http_request_t’没有名为‘connect_port_n’的成员 if ((ports[i][1] == 0 && r->connect_port_n == ports[i][0])
#313 opened by liushang789 - 1
- 21
The client received a RST (reset) package.
#281 opened by guanzongjiang - 1
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proxy_connect_bind ipv6 address
#294 opened by Yahook - 1
[TODO] proxy_connect_address support 'upstream'
#284 opened by vam1223 - 0
is this module supported for openresty?
#291 opened by Yahook - 3
proxy auth in [client] -> [nginx connect] -> [nginx reverse proxy] -> [backend] -> [real site]
#282 opened by DeoLeung - 2
Can it support to cache the proxied data?
#288 opened by zhenliangliang - 0
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response 404
#283 opened by hackeryutu - 1
ssh its work?
#272 opened by anonv2ray - 3
Does it support wss proxy?
#267 opened by weiwuduzui - 3
502 error (111:Unknown error)
#279 opened by aAAa423 - 1
- 5
400 & 157 // transparent proxy
#280 opened by sfhyper - 38
- 4
error when do 'make'
#259 opened by bangzhuX - 5
- 0
Is it already supported nginx-1.24.0
#265 opened by grayguest - 3
Encounter a strange issue when using rewrite_by_lua_block to authoriacate connect request.
#264 opened by lifei - 1
The proxy_connect module rejects CONNECT commands with 400: Bad Request error
#263 opened by yurivict - 3
Can this module be used without the client need to set proxy configuration on browsers?
#258 opened by Artin70