
Add chapters to audiobooks

Primary LanguagePython

audiobook_chapters - README.md

Group of scripts to add chapters to audiobooks.

Firstly download the audiobook then

# get chapters from xml file
python3 extract_overdrive_chapters.py [optional directory path]

# convert to ffmpeg metadata file
python3 create_FFMETADATAFILE.py

# When script asks 'Skip chapter.txt creation?' type y 

# combine mp3 parts into one file
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i <(for f in ./*.mp3; do echo "file '$PWD/$f'"; done) -c copy output.mp3

# convert mp3 to aac (ie. m4a)
ffmpeg -i output.mp3 -c:a libfdk_aac output.m4a

# add chapters to m4a/m4b file

ffmpeg -i output.m4a -i FFMETADATAFILE -map_metadata 1 -codec copy output.m4b

Lastly add metadata using kid3. Ben Dodson's iTunes Artwork Finder is great for getting audiobook's cover images.


iTunes Artwork Finder by Ben Dodson (n.d.), https://bendodson.com/projects/itunes-artwork-finder/index.html, accessed 10 October 2022.

‘Kid3 Tag Editor’ (n.d.), https://sourceforge.net/projects/kid3/, accessed 10 October 2022.

Petersen C (2022) ‘python script to extract chapters · Issue #39 · chbrown/overdrive’, chbrown/overdrive#39, accessed 10 October 2022.

slhck (2011) ‘Answer to “FFmpeg command to convert MP3 to AAC”’, Super User, https://superuser.com/a/370637, accessed 10 October 2022.

TabsNotSpaces and murla (2021) ‘Answer to “Convert multiple .mp3 files (or single .m4a) into .m4b with ffmpeg and afconvert on macOS”’, Ask Different, https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/426095, accessed 10 October 2022.