
Docker version of the pico engine (http://picolabs.io/)

MIT LicenseMIT

Docker Pico Engine

PicoLabs pico-engine and krl-compiler in a convenient docker image.



Pull the latest version docker pull chocklymon/pico-engine

Pico Engine

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v pico-engine:/root/.pico-engine -i chocklymon/pico-engine

The -d flag has docker start the container detached (in the background).
The -p 8080:8080 flag causes port 8080 on the host machine to be bound to port 8080 in the running container. This way the pico engine can be accessed at localhost:8080.
The -v pico-engine:/root/.pico-engine mounts a volume to the container. This makes the pico engine state persistent by having the pico state written to the local directory pico-engine.

KRL Compiler

Run docker run -i docker pull chocklymon/pico-engine krl-compiler < ruleset.krl