
Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The NetApp E-Series module manages E-Series storage arrays using Puppet Network Device.


  • SANtricity Web Service is used as a proxy between puppet and storage array
  • Excon - ruby http client


node 'puppet.node.local' {
  include netapp_e

  # This will prepare puppet device configuration on node which have
  # connection to SANtricity Web Proxy

  $hostname = 'netapp.local'
  netapp_e::config { $hostname:
    username => $username,
    password => $password,
    url      => $hostname,
    port     => '8080',
    target   => "${::settings::confdir}/device/${hostname}"

  # Set up a cron job for running puppet device periodically
  cron { "netappe-puppet-device-run":
    command => "puppet device --deviceconfig ${::settings::confdir}/device/${hostname}",
    minute  => fqdn_rand(60),

node 'netapp.local' {

  $status = present
  $storage_system = 'second'

  netapp_e_storage_system {$storage_system:
    ensure      => $status,
    controllers => ['', ''],
    password    => 'Password_1234',

  netapp_e_storage_system {'third':
    ensure      => $status,
    controllers => ['', ''],

  # We need to wait before storage-system will be fully initialized. 	
  # We can use fact exported by the module: $::initialized_systems
  # and postpone operations involving storage-system resource to next puppet run.
  if $::initialized_systems and ($storage_system in $::initialized_systems) {

    # Volume group
    netapp_e_storage_pool {'raid5pool-second':
      ensure        => $status,
      storagesystem => $storage_system,
      raidlevel     => 'raid5',
      diskids       => [

    netapp_e_storage_pool {'raid5pool-third':
      ensure        => $status,
      storagesystem => 'third',
      raidlevel     => 'raid5',
      diskids       => [

    # Disk pool
    netapp_e_storage_pool {'disk-pool-1':
      ensure        => $status,
      storagesystem => $storage_system,
      raidlevel     => 'raidDiskPool',
      diskids       => [

    # Standard volume
    netapp_e_volume {'volume-standard-second':
      ensure        => $status,
      storagesystem => $storage_system,
      size          => 1,
      storagepool   => 'raid5pool-second',
      sizeunit      => 'gb',
      segsize       => '512',

    netapp_e_volume {'volume-standard-third':
      ensure        => $status,
      storagesystem => 'third',
      size          => 1,
      storagepool   => 'raid5pool-second',
      sizeunit      => 'gb',
      segsize       => '512',

    # Thin volume
    netapp_e_volume {'new-thin-volume':
      ensure            => $status,
      storagesystem     => $storage_system,
      size              => 4,
      sizeunit          => 'gb',
      repositorysize    => 10,
      maxrepositorysize => 15,
      storagepool       => 'disk-pool-1',
      thin              => true

    # Volume copy
    netapp_e_volume_copy {'new-copy-volume':
      ensure               => $status,
      storagesystem        => $storage_system,
      source               => 'volume-standard-second',
      target               => 'new-thin-volume',
      copypriority         => 'priority3',
      targetwriteprotected => false,
      disablesnapshot      => true

    # Hosts and Host Groups
    netapp_e_host_group {'zone2':
      ensure        => $status,
      storagesystem => $storage_system,

    $ports = [
        type => 'iscsi',
        port => 'iqn.1998-05.com.windows:cd42b74121212',
        label => 'newone'

    netapp_e_host {'linux-test':
      ensure        => $status,
      typeindex     => 9,
      storagesystem => $storage_system,
      groupid       => 'zone2',
      ports         => $ports,

    # Lun map	
    netapp_e_map {'new-thin-volume':
      ensure        => $status,
      storagesystem => $storage_system,
      lun           => 11,
      source        => 'new-thin-volume',
      target        => 'zone2',
      type          => hostgroup

    # Snapshot group
    netapp_e_snapshot_group {'new-snapshot-group':
      ensure         => $status,
      storagesystem  => $storage_system,
      storagepool    => 'disk-pool-1',
      volume         => 'new-thin-volume',
      repositorysize => 30,
      warnthreshold  => 75,
      policy         => 'purgepit',
      limit          => 7

    # Async Mirror Group
    netapp_e_mirror_group {'new-mirror-group':
      ensure            => $status,
      primaryarray      => $storage_system,
      secondaryarray    => 'third',
      syncinterval      => 11,
      syncthreshold     => 16,
      recoverythreshold => 22,
      repothreshold     => 43,

    netapp_e_mirror_members {'new-mirror-members':
      ensure          => $status,
      primaryvolume   => 'volume-standard-second',
      secondaryvolume => 'volume-standard-third',
      mirror          => 'new-mirror-group'

  } else {
    notice("Wait to initialize storage-system: ${storage_system}")

  # Dependencies chains
  if $status == present {
    Netapp_e_storage_system <| |> -> Netapp_e_storage_pool <| |> -> Netapp_e_volume <| |> ->
    Netapp_e_volume_copy <| |> -> Netapp_e_snapshot_group <| |> -> Netapp_e_host_group <| |> -> 
    Netapp_e_host <| |> -> Netapp_e_map <| |> -> Netapp_e_mirror_group <| |> -> Netapp_e_mirror_members <| |>
  elsif $status == absent {
    Netapp_e_mirror_members <| |> -> Netapp_e_mirror_group <| |> -> Netapp_e_map <| |> ->  Netapp_e_host <| |> ->
    Netapp_e_host_group <| |> -> Netapp_e_snapshot_group <| |> -> Netapp_e_volume_copy <| |> ->
    Netapp_e_volume <| |> -> Netapp_e_storage_pool <| |> -> Netapp_e_storage_system <| |>



Manage Netapp E series storage system creation, modification and deletion.


  • name Storage System ID.
  • password Storage system password.
  • controllers (array of string) Controllers IP addresses or host names.
  • meta_tags (array of hashes) Optional meta tags to associate to this storage system.


Manage Netapp E series storage disk pool


  • name The user-label to assign to the new storage pool.
  • diskids Array of the identifiers of the disk drives to use for creating the storage pool.
  • storagesystem Storage system ID.
  • raidlevel The RAID configuration for the new storage pool. Possible values: 'raidUnsupported', 'raidAll', 'raid0', 'raid1', 'raid3', 'raid5', 'raid6', 'raidDiskPool', '__UNDEFINED'
  • erasedrives (boolean, default false) Security-enabled drives that were previously part of a secured storage pool must be erased before they can be re-used. Enable to automatically erase such drives.


Manage Netapp E series volume


  • name The user-label to assign to the new volume.
  • thin (boolean, default false) If true thin volume will be created.
  • storagesystem Storage system ID.
  • storagepool Name of storage poll from which the volume will be allocated.
  • sizeunit Unit for size. Possible values: 'bytes', 'b', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb', 'pb', 'eb', 'zb', 'yb'
  • size Number of units to make the volume.
  • segsize (only standard volume) The segment size of the volume.
  • dataassurance (boolean) If true data assurance enabled.
  • defaultmapping (boolean, thin volume) Create the default volume mapping.
  • owningcontrollerid (thin volume) Set the initial owning controller.
  • repositorysize (thin volume) Number of units to make the repository volume, which is the backing for the thin volume.
  • maxrepositorysize (thin volume) Maximum size to which the thin volume repository can grow. Must be between 4GB & 256GB.
  • growthalertthreshold (thin volume) The repository utilization warning threshold (in percent).
  • expansionpolicy (thin volume) Thin Volume expansion policy. If automatic, the thin volume will be expanded automatically when capacity is exceeded, if manual, the volume must be expanded manually. Possible values: 'unknown', 'manual', 'automatic', '__UNDEFINED'
  • cachereadahead (thin volume) If true automatic cache read-ahead enabled


Manage Netapp E series snapshot groups


  • nameThe name of the new snapshot group.
  • storagesystem Storage system ID.
  • storagepool The name of the storage pool to allocate the repository volume.
  • volume Then name of the volume for the new snapshot group
  • repositorysize The percent size of the repository in relation to the size of the base volume.
  • warnthreshold The repository utilization warning threshold, as a percentage of the repository volume capacity.
  • limit The automatic deletion indicator. If non-zero, the oldest snapshot image will be automatically deleted when creating a new snapshot image to keep the total number of snapshot images limited to the number specified.
  • policy The behavior on when the data repository becomes full. Possible values: 'unknown', 'failbasewrites', 'purgepit', '__UNDEFINED'


Manage Netapp E series snapshot image

This type require :schedule meta-parameter to be set.


  • name The name of the puppet resource.
  • storagesystem Storage system ID.
  • group Name of snapshot group.
schedule { 'everyday':
  period   => daily,
  repeat   => 1,

netapp_e_snapshot_image {'daily-snapshot':
  group         => 'NewSnapshotGroup',
  storagesystem => 'sys_id',
  schedule      => 'everyday',
  require       => Netapp_e_snapshot_group['NewSnapshotGroup']


Manage Netapp E series snapshot volume


  • name The user-label to assign to the new snapshot volume.
  • imageid The identifier of the snapshot image used to create the new snapshot volume.
  • storagesystem Storage system ID.
  • storagepool Name of storage poll from which the volume will be allocated.
  • fullthreshold The repository utilization warning threshold percentage.
  • viewmode The snapshot volume access mode. Possible values: 'modeUnknown', 'readWrite', 'readOnly', '__UNDEFINED'
  • repositorysize The size of the view in relation to the size of the base volume.
netapp_e_snapshot_volume {'NewSnapshotVol':
  storagesystem  => 'sys_id',
  imageid        => '34000000600A098000607399006302C054DDC033',
  storagepool    => 'raid5pool',
  viewmode       => 'readWrite',
  repositorysize => 10,
  fullthreshold  => 14,
  require        => Netapp_e_storage_pool['raid5pool']


Manage Netapp E series volume copy


  • name The user-label to assign to the new volume copy.
  • storagesystem Storage system ID.
  • source Name of the source volume for the copy job.
  • target Name of the target volume for the copy job.
  • copypriority The priority of the copy job (0 is the lowest priority, 4 is the highest priority). Possible values: 'priority0', 'priority1', 'priority2', 'priority3', 'priority4', '__UNDEFINED'
  • targetwriteprotected (boolean) Specifies whether to block write I/O to the target volume while the copy job exists.
  • disablesnapshot (boolean) Will disable the target snapshot after the copy completes and purge the associated group when the copy pair is deleted.


Manage Netapp E series hosts


  • name The user-label to assign to the new host.
  • storagesystem Storage system ID.
  • typeindex HostType index.
  • groupid Name of host group where host belongs.
  • ports (array of hashes) Host addresses.


Manage Netapp E series host group


  • name The user-label to assign to the new host.
  • storagesystem Storage system ID.
  • hosts (array of string) IDs of hosts


Manage Netapp E series volume mappings


  • name The user-label to assign to the new volume mapping.
  • storagesystem Storage system ID.
  • source Name of the source volume.
  • target The host group or a host for the volume mapping.
  • type Type of target. Possible values: host, hostgroup
  • lun The LUN for the volume mapping.


Manage Netapp E series mirror group


  • name The user-label to assign to the new mirror group.
  • primaryarray The id of the secondary array.
  • secondaryarray The id of the secondary array.
  • interfacetype The intended protocol to use if both Fibre and iSCSI are available. Possible values: 'fibre', 'iscsi', 'fibreAndIscsi', 'none'
  • syncinterval Sync interval (minutes).
  • recoverythreshold Recovery point warning threshold (minutes).
  • repothreshold Repository utilization warning threshold.
  • syncthreshold Sync warning threshold (minutes).


Manage Netapp E series mirror group members


  • name Puppet resource name.
  • primaryvolume Name of primary volume.
  • secondaryvolume Name of secondary volume.
  • mirror Name of mirror group.
  • capacity Percentage of the capacity of the primary volume to use for the repository capacity.
  • scanmedia (boolean)
  • validateparity (boolean) Validate repository parity.


Manage Netapp E series management network configuration


  • macaddr An ASCII string representation of the globally-unique 48-bit MAC address assigned to the Ethernet interface.
  • storagesystem Storage system ID.
  • ipv4 (boolean) True if ipv4 is to be enabled for this interface.
  • ipv4address The ipv4 address for the interface. Required for static configuration.
  • ipv4mask The ipv4 subnet mask for the interface. Required for static configuration.
  • ipv4gateway Manually specify the address of the gateway.
  • ipv4config Setting that determines how the ipv4 address is configured. Required if ipv4 is enabled. Possible values: 'configDhcp', 'configStatic', '__UNDEFINED'
  • ipv6 (boolean) True if ipv6 is to be enabled for this interface.
  • ipv6address The ipv6 local address for the interface.
  • ipv6config The method by which the ipv6 address information is configured for the interface. Possible values: 'configStatic', 'configStateless', '__UNDEFINED'
  • ipv6gateway Manually specify the address of the gateway.
  • ipv6routableaddr
  • remoteaccess (boolean) If set to true, the controller is enabled for establishment of a remote access session. Depending on the controller platform, the method for remote access could be rlogin or telnet.
  • speed The configured speed setting for the Ethernet interface. Possible values: 'speedNone', 'speedAutoNegotiated', 'speed10MbitHalfDuplex', 'speed10MbitFullDuplex', 'speed100MbitHalfDuplex', 'speed100MbitFullDuplex', 'speed1000MbitHalfDuplex', 'speed1000MbitFullDuplex', '__UNDEFINED'
netapp_e_network_interface {"00A098607387":
  storagesystem => 'sys_id',
  ipv4          => true,
  ipv4config    => 'configStatic',
  ipv4address   => '',
  ipv4gateway   => '',
  ipv4mask      => '',
  remoteaccess  => true,


Manage Netapp E series storage array password


  • storagesystem Storage system ID.
  • current Current admin password
  • new New password.
  • admin (boolean) If this is true, this will set the admin password, if false, it sets the RO password.
  • force (boolean) If true it will always try change password, even if already set. We can not check if passwords match.
netapp_e_password {'sys_id':
  current => '',
  new     => 'new_password',
  admin   => true,
  force   => false,


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