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The Barbeque Run-Time Resource Manager is a framework being developed at DEIB
- Politecnico di Milano under the context of the several EU funded projects.

This framework is the core of an highly modular and extensible run-time
resource manager which provide support for an easy integration and management
of multiple applications competing on the usage of one (or more) computing
devices, including multi-core processors, SIMD many-core devices and
general-purpose GPUs. The framework design, which exposes different plugin
interfaces, provides support for pluggable policies for both resource
scheduling and the management of applications coordination and

For more information look at the official project website:

Or join the mailing lists:
Users:       <https://groups.google.com/d/forum/bosp>
Developers:  <https://groups.google.com/d/forum/bosp-devel>