### What is this repository for? ###

The BOSP is a self-contained building system, which provides not only the code
of the BarbequeRTRM framework, bu also all its required software dependencies
as well as the code of contributed examples.  All these contents are organized
in modules managed using GIT submodule.

This repository is the main BOSP repository which provide access to the
tracking and management of all the dependency GIT submodules.

This documentation refers to version 1.0 of the BOSP project and explains just
how to setup the BOSP building system to compile the BarbequeRTRM framework.
A detailed documentation on how to use the framework could be found starting
from the main project website:

### How do I get set up? ###

1) clone this repository within a convenient folder, e.g. /opt:

  $ cd /opt && git clone https://bosp@bitbucket.org/bosp/bosp.git

2) initialize all the BOSP modules:

  $ git submodule init

3) update all the BOSP modules to be at their last version:

  $ git submodule update

4) point all BOSP modules to the stable branch named "bosp":

  $ git submodule foreach git checkout -B bosp origin/bosp

5) bootstrap the BOSP building system:

  $ make bootstrap

6) configure the BOSP building system:

  $ make menuconfig

7) after your configuration has been completed, save and exit from menuconfig
and than you are ready to build:

  $ make