Here you may find my config. There is only one significant file:
generates the init.el, config.el, and packages.el files, as well as
about a dozen others.
Other than that, resources are put in misc, and you may find some packages I’m working on in lisp.
First install nix, and enable both the nix command
and flakes
experimental features
git clone --depth 1 && cd Nyoom.emacs
nix develop
First install the following dependencies:
- Emacs (preferably one with
, note that I (or rather doom-emacs) doesn’t supportemacs29
, I recommendemacs28
instead) - sqlite
- fd
- ripgrep
You can optionally install the following:
- aspell + dictionaries (for spelling support)
- sdcv (for stardict)
- gnuplot (for org-plot)
- pandoc (for ox-pandoc imports/exports)
- languagetool (for grammer checking)
- texlive (for latex exports and editing)
I also use the following latex packages, along with BasicTex
or Scheme-Small
sudo tlmgr install dvipng dvisvgm l3packages xcolor soul adjustbox collectbox amsmath siunitx cancel mathalpha capt-of chemfig wrapfig mhchem fvextra cleveref latexmk tcolorbox environ arev amsfonts simplekv alegreya sourcecodepro newpx svg catchfile transparent hanging biblatex biblatex-mla;
As for the plugins themselves
git clone --depth 1 ~/.config/doom
emacs --batch --eval "(progn (require 'org) (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil) (org-babel-tangle-file \"~/.config/doom/\"))"
git clone --depth 1 ~/.emacs.d
~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install