
By using this, you can accomplish the following:

  1. You can export a list of channels existing within the workspace to a CSV file.
  2. By utilizing the CSV file exported in step 1, you can bulk rename channel names.

Getting Started

Setting Environment Variables

Set the User OAuth Token to the SLACK_API_TOKEN variable.
Please issue the User OAuth Token from the following URL:https://api.slack.com/apps
※ The required scopes are as follows:

  • channels:read
  • channels:write

1. Installing the Library

  • $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

2. Outputting Channel List

  • $ python3 slack_rename.py -l

3. Renaming Channels

  1. Open the CSV file and enter the new channel names in the "NewChannelName" column
  2. $ python3 slack_rename.py -r