
Linux, Native MIDI, Error loading midi: Couldn't open /tmp/timidity.cfg

Rathmox opened this issue · 2 comments


Version of Chocolate Doom: 3.0.1

Operating System and version: Arch Linux

Bug description

Observed behavior: No music, with error Error loading midi: Couldn't open /tmp/timidity.cfg

Expected behavior: Music played with TiMidity with the soundfont

I tried to use the EAWPATS soundfont with native MIDI, I selected the timidity.cfg from it, I modified it to point to the right directory, but I get the error Error loading midi: Couldn't open /tmp/timidity.cfg, and I get no music.

This issue doesn't happen on Crispy Doom

turol commented

Does this also happen with the latest git snapshot? The 3.0.1 release is quite old and there are a lot of music changes which are part of Crispy but not any Chocolate release.

It was exactly that, thanks