
Repository for SOA Mini Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Technology ที่ใช้ในระบบ

  • React.js
  • NodeJS
  • MongoDB

Deploy API{endpoint}

How to run API

Require Software

  1. Node and npm
  2. MongoDB

Set up Environment

  1. git clone https://github.com/Criedes/SOA2019_Group6.git
  2. cd SOA2019_Group6
  3. cd api

Set Up MongoDB

  1. make sure your computer be installed mongoDB and MongoShell started already.
  2. import mockup database use this command.

mongoimport --db payang --collection mechanics --file mechanics.json

mongoimport --db payang --collection customers --file customers.json

Install node module

use command. npm install

Start server to run a service

use command. npm start