Implementation for Improving Clinical Outcome Predictions Using Convolution over Medical Entities with Multimodal Learning


  1. Clone the code to local.
cd ConvolutionMedicalNer
  1. Run MIMIC-Extract Pipeline as explained in

  2. Copy the output file of MIMIC-Extract Pipeline named all_hourly_data.h5 to data folder.

  3. Run 01-Extract-Timseries-Features.ipnyb to extract first 24 hours timeseries features from MIMIC-Extract raw data.

  4. Copy the ADMISSIONS.csv, NOTEEVENTS.csv, ICUSTAYS.csv files into data folder.

  5. Run 02-Select-SubClinicalNotes.ipynb to select subnotes based on criteria from all MIMIC-III Notes.

  6. Run 03-Prprocess-Clinical-Notes.ipnyb to prepocessing notes.

  7. Run 04-Apply-med7-on-Clinical-Notes.ipynb to extract medical entities.

  8. Download pretrained embeddings into embeddings folder via link in given References section.

  9. Run 05-Represent-Entities-With-Different-Embeddings.ipynb to convert medical entities into word representations.

  10. Run 06-Create-Timeseries-Data.ipynb to prepare the timeseries data to fed through GRU / LSTM.

12.Run 07-Timeseries-Baseline.ipynb to run timeseries baseline model to predict 4 different clinical tasks.

12.Run 08-Multimodal-Baseline.ipynb to run multimodal baseline to predict 4 different clinical tasks.

12.Run 09-Proposed-Model.ipynb to run proposed model to predict 4 different clinical tasks.


Download the MIMIC-III dataset via

MIMIC-Extract implementation:

med7 implementation:

Download Pre-trained Word2Vec & FastText embeddings:

Preprocessing Script: