
This source is webrtc 3d chatting using webgl, unity3d, laravel, nodejs

Primary LanguagePHP

copyright :


A Collection of Laravel And Unity And WebRTC(RTCMultiConnection) And Node js Projects

This project is online Chatting using webgl of unity and laravel and node js.
This repository contains a collection of applications built with Laravel.
and It was used unity3D 2020.3.18f or hight

Project Setup

  1. Clone the repository.
    git clone https://github.com/choemateo/ug

  2. Install dependencies
    composer install && npm install

  3. Create your env file from the example.
    cp env.example env

  4. run command php artisan migrate and php artisan make:seeder UserSeeder in command window.

let Change

  1. let change 'path' of socketURL in config.json.
  2. let change 'path' of sslKey and 'path' of sslCert in config.json.
  3. let change part of DB Setting in .env.
    Note: This project must have two ssl key of website.
    one of these is web server and other one is node server.

Running the Application

  1. node server to start the node server in project root.
  2. php artisan serve to start the web server in project root.

Character select.


after login Character


for Chatting


live players
