
Library for autoscaling resque workers for Heroku apps, written for Clojure apps

Primary LanguageClojure


A clojure library to autoscale resque workers


This library assumes that resque-clojure is being used to manage resque workers. If not, *namespace-key* and *queue-prefix* might need to be re-bound.

The library also assumes that there is a specific worker process for each queue.


Assumes HEROKU_API_KEY, REDIS_HOST, REDIS_PORT, and REDIS_PASSWORD are set at the command line.


Create a script similar to the following:

(ns task-master
	(:require [heroku-resque-autoscale-clj.core :as autoscale]))
(defn watch-database-compressor []
	(autoscale/watch "my-app-name" "compression-queue" {:process "database-compressor"
					  			    		            :min-workers 0
                      			    	                 :scale-levels { 5  1
                      				 		                            10  2
                      				                                    20  4}))
(defn watch-graphic-rendering []
	(autoscale/watch "my-app-name" "render-queue" {:process "render-worker"
 									               :min-workers 1
 									               :scale-fn (fn [num-jobs] 
 									                           (/ num-jobs 10)) }))

Where "my-app-name" is the name of your Heroku app.

Note that we can either specify scale levels or a scaling function. In specifying scale levels, the key is the number of jobs in the queue, the value is the number of workers to scale once that level is exceeded.

Then create a scheduled job (with Heroku Scheduler) similar to the following

lein trampoline -r task-master/watch-database-compressor
lein trampoline -r task-master/watch-graphing-rendering