
Basic CRUD Example project using learned spring libraries.

Primary LanguageJava

Java Board Project

Basic CURD example with spring boot

JPA, spring-security, spring-hateoas, spring-rest-docs

Run test cases and extract test coverage

./gradlew test

Run junit Test cases with jacoco and test coverage result report by html


  • reports path : {your repository path}/build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html

Generated API Docs with Spring REST Docs + OpenAPI3 + Redoc

refer URI : github : restdocs-api-spec

add redoc dependencies

plugins {
    id 'org.asciidoctor.jvm.convert' version '3.3.2'
    id 'com.epages.restdocs-api-spec' version '0.11.5'

dependencies {
    testImplementation 'org.springframework.restdocs:spring-restdocs-mockmvc'
    testImplementation 'com.epages:restdocs-api-spec-mockmvc:0.11.5'
    asciidoctorExtensions 'org.springframework.restdocs:spring-restdocs-asciidoctor'

openapi3 {
    servers = [ { url = "http://some.api-host" } ]
    title = 'My API title'
    version = '1.0.1'
    format = 'yaml'
    separatePublicApi = true
    outputFileNamePrefix = 'my-api-spec'
    oauth2SecuritySchemeDefinition = {
        flows = ['authorizationCode']
        tokenUrl = 'http://example.com/token'
        authorizationUrl = 'http://example.com/authorize'
        scopeDescriptionsPropertiesFile = "scopeDescriptions.yaml"

change create document setting

AS-IS : 
- MockMvcRestDocumentation.document()
- MockMvcRequestBuilders.*
  - get(), post(), patch(), delete() ...

TO-BE : - MockMvcRestDocumentationWrapper.doc
- RestDocumentationRequestBuilders.*
  - get(), post(), patch(), delete() ...
./gradlew clean build openapi3

generate openapi3.yaml for OAS spec document

npm install redoc-cli

install with your run or ci environment

cd {repository path}/build/api-spec
npx redoc-cli bundle openapi3.yaml

export it to a static HTML file

What do you think useful as an API documentation tools

Run build

build : ./gradlew clean build
run : java -jar {your repository path}/build/libs/java-board-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Package structure

    │  └─asciidoc : base api docs format
    │  ├─java
    │  │  └─io
    │  │      └─example
    │  │          └─board
    │  │              ├─advice
    │  │              │  └─exception : Global exception handler
    │  │              ├─config
    │  │              │  ├─application : Beans configurations required to run the spring application 
    │  │              │  ├─jpa : Data-jpa AuditorAware configurations
    │  │              │  ├─p6spy : JPA execute query print configurations
    │  │              │  ├─redis : Embedded redis configurations in local, test profiles
    │  │              │  └─security : Spring-security, java-jwt configurations
    │  │              │      ├─endpoint : Http Request security configurations
    │  │              │      └─jwt : jwt security configurations
    │  │              ├─controller : Request router
    │  │              ├─domain : Service domain model
    │  │              │  ├─dto : Data Transfer Object
    │  │              │  ├─rdb : JPA entity
    │  │              │  ├─redis : Redis entity
    │  │              │  └─vo : Value object
    │  │              ├─repository
    │  │              │  ├─rdb : Rdb connect interface
    │  │              │  └─redis : Redis connect interface
    │  │              ├─service : Business transaction 
    │  │              └─utils
    │  └─resources
    │      └─static
    │          └─docs : Generated api docs by spring-rest-docs
    └─test : application test cases
