
POSTECH CSED491A (Graduation Project): Brain Tumor Segmentation via Multi-level Wavelet Diffusion Model

Primary LanguagePython


Brain Tumor Segmentation via Noised Multi-level Wavelet Feature Extraction.

  • POSTECH CSED499A - Research Project 1
  • in MIV Lab @ POSTECH (Under the supervision by Wonhwa Kim, Hyuna Cho)
  • (As of 12/15) All codes and docs are completed version.


  • Implemented ‘WaveUNet’, that is able to extract useful features in image, with multi-level wavelet transform and various diffusion noise scales
  • Proposed ‘Symmetric Contrastive Loss’, simple but strong logic
  • Based on AttentionUNet, added a symmetric contrastive loss and had a better performance for tumor cores (NCR, ET).
  • Feature extractor’s feature matching loss is hard to converge, need to modify the architecture or loss function in later

2D Haar Wavelet Transform


  • Simple variation of wavelet transform, involving Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) & Discrete Inverse Wavelet Transform (IWT)
  • $L = {1\over\sqrt(2)} [1 \ \ 1], H = {1\over\sqrt(2)} [-1 \ \ 1]$ represent low-pass & high-pass filters, construct 4 kernels ($LL^T, LH^T, HL^T, HH^T$)
  • Decompose the input 𝑋 ∈ $R^{H \times W}$ into 4 subbands ($X_{ll}, X_{hl}, X_{hl}, X_{hh}$) with dimensions $R^{{H\over 2} \times {W\over 2}}$
  • Accurate reconstruction of the original signals 𝑋 from frequency components through IWT

Method 1: Multi-level Noised Wavelet Feature Extractor (WaveUNet)


  1. Input image is decomposed by Multi-level DWT, first low-frequency subbands 𝑋1,𝑙𝑙 gets noise and goes into WaveUNet
  2. Higher level’s low-frequency subbands are concatenated residually into WaveUNet’s layers
  3. WaveUNet is trained to mimics each level’s low frequency subbands, returns to image domain by IWT

Feature Voter

  • Can apply any general segmentation models (MLP, CNN, …)
  • WaveUNet gives extracted multi-level feature map to Feature Voter, makes a per class score map

Model Architecture


Loss Function

1. Feature matching Loss

  • Feature extractor is learned to reduce the L2 norm of multilevel wavelet inputs & feature maps it extracts 2. Segmentation Loss
  • Weighted multi-class cross-entropy loss
  • Class distribution was highly imbalanced, weights as reciprocal of the class distribution for stable learning

Method 2: Symmetric Contrastive Loss

  • Tumor regions are almost asymmetric.
  • If there is a tumor in one region based on the x-axis, there is very likely to no tumor in the opposite.
  • Penalize not to be similar model’s prediction to opposite region’s label (Just tumor region) image

Experiments & Results

Experiment 1.

  • Used baseline model (AttentionUNet) learns to compare the effects by adding symmetric contrastive loss
  • Each model trained for 100 epochs, hyperparameter 𝝀 = 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5
  • Trained on 12,510 train datasets, and measure Dice Score for each classes with 400 validation images.

Experiment 2.

  • Feature extraction with WaveUNet, give feature maps to AttentionUNet, λ=0.1 -> Not going well…

Experiment Overview



  • BraTS 2021


BraTS Challenge

  • Challenge in MICCAI
  • Evaluate state-of-the-art methods for the tumor segmentation in mpMRI scans


  • Sliced 10 timesteps(70-79) to solve 2D Brain Tumor Segmentation task
  • Sliced data have 240×240 resolution with 4 modalities (t1, t1ce, t2, flair), depending on whether a contrast agent is administered or not
  • Each pixels are labeled one of 4 classes (label 0: Background, label 1: NCR, label 2: Edematous, label 4: ET)
  • Preprocessed with min-max normalization to range each pixel values 0-1
  • No data augmentation

How to Use

  • TBD

Project Poster
