
Backend API using REST, Node.js, Postgres, JWT

Primary LanguageJavaScript

RESTful BackendAPI using Node.js, PostgreSQL and JWT

With this API, you should be able to signup, login, modify and get user info. I used Postman for the testing of APIs. However, you can really use any API development tools. You can download the free version of Postman here: https://www.getpostman.com/downloads/


git clone https://github.com/inquisitiv-e/BackendAPI.git
cd BackendAPI

npm install --save express nodemon
brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql

Create new database


Migrate knex table onto the database

knex migrate:latest


npm run dev

POST /signup

This is the endpoint to create new user.

curl --data "email=test@gmail.com&password=test&firstName=Erica&lastName=C"  http://localhost:3000/signup

The response body will return a JWT on success that can be used for other endpoints:

  "token": "{the_token}"

POST /login

This is the endpoint to sign in a user.

curl --data "email=test@gmail.com&password=test"  http://localhost:3000/login

The response body will return a JWT on success that can be used for other endpoints:

  "token": "{the_token}"

GET /users

Endpoint to retrieve a json of all users. This endpoint requires a valid x-authentication-token header to be passed in with the request.

curl -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer {the_token}" http://localhost:3000/users

The response body should look like:

        "id": 9,
        "email": "test@gmail.com",
        "firstName": "Erica",
        "lastName": "C",
        "password_digest": "$2b$12$Z1DseLUz8/RuACmgti6shukytrtTMG9vP2572JfwUVpYI6UvP9X5m"

PUT /users

Endpoint to update the current user firstName or lastName only. This endpoint requires a valid x-authentication-token header to be passed in and it should only update the user of the JWT being passed in.

curl -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer {the_token}" --request PUT -d "firstName=NewFirstName" -d "lastName=NewLastName" http://localhost:3000/users

The response body will be empty.

What was the hardest part?

The most challenging part was to set up a database for the api.

Did you learn anything new?

It was my first time using PostgreSQL as the database and using jwt for verification, so I definitely learned something new!

Is there anything you would have liked to implement but didn't have the time to?

I would have liked to implement delete user as well. Also, I would have liked to add test-suites to see if I missed any error-handling.

What are the security holes (if any) in your system? If there are any, how would you fix them?

Right now the JWT header is the only way the user can be verified. I could see how easily the encrypted keys can get cracked and be used by someone else. My best guess would be to implement a secondary system that would validate the user again, although I'm not exactly sure how it can be implemented. Again, that could be something else for me to learn about!