
playbook to add automatically your server info (physical|virtual) on Racktables


playbook to auto-add your server info on racktables


The script created using ruby 1.9 and some common gems like facter, (any)yamlparser, logger so minimal requirements

supported system

tested and run on Ubuntu 12.04 32 & 64bit. patch for other server soon


The script is design to use the Racktables-api forked and release by ibettinger

also checkout his workaround on racktables-py-client - a very cool stuff, I use as a reference

note: tested on Racktables ver 0.20.3 & 0.20.6



author info

[Luis R. Lavina Jr] - jrlavina07 [at] yahoo dot com dot ph - http://github.com/chojayr - @chojayr - twitter