A CloudFormation template sample to build AWS Backup(BackupVault, BackupPlan and BackupSelection) just for reference
- aws-backup.yaml
- sample-params.json
CreateNewBackupVault: true
BackupVaultName: mybackup-vault-sample
BackupPlanName: daily-backup-sample
BackupSelectionName: daily-backup
Team: appteam:test
Email: team-email@domain.com
## BackupOnceDaily, BackupTwiceDaily, BackupThriceDaily and BackupFourTimesDaily
BackupPolicy: BackupTwiceDaily
BackupDefaultRole: arn:aws:iam::<account>:role/service-role/AWSBackupDefaultServiceRole
DeleteAfterDays: 30
$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <stack name> --template-body file://aws-backup.yaml --parameters=file://sample-params.json
This template does include the creation of new BackupVault if desired just set the "CreateNewBackupVault" to "true" or use the existing BackupVault e.g. "Default",
Add the tag "Backup: daily-backup" to your resources so the AWS Backup can identify the target resource it needs to backup
Please check here for the supported AWS service https://aws.amazon.com/backup/features