COVID-19 Sequencing Dashboard

Project can be found at the following url

Table of Contents


Project was wrote on Python 3.7 and requires a handful of python packages. Install them using:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Project also requires connection to the internet in order to pull the data from online sources. A Mapbox token is required for the application to run locally.

Setup and Running

Once the required packages are installed, setup is minimal. Clone this repository to get all the required files. Take the mapbox token you aquired and paste it into the mapbox_key.txt file. Run to start the local server.

A local server should run and you should now be able to nagivate to the application locally.

Project Outline

About the Project

Project was developed with the COVID CG global sequencing coverage map as inspiration. Special thanks goes out to their team.


  • Add Feature: Clicking on the selected country (deslecting it) will enable orignal graph
  • Improvement: Overall Documentation improvement
  • Improvement: Further clean and refine Data
    • Clean Case Sequence Line data to not include countries with 0 sequences at time of latest data
  • Improvement MAJOR: Chart feedback is slow due to expensive data cleaning/transforming happening on each callback