
Official Python SDK

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The SDK provides convenient access to the Africa's Talking APIs to python apps.


Take a look at the API docs here.


$ pip  install africastalking # python 2.7.x


$ python -m pip install africastalking # python 2.7.x


$ pip3 install africastalking # python 3.6.x


$ python3 -m pip install africastalking # python 3.6.x


The package needs to be configured with your app username and API key, which you can get from the dashboard.

You can use this SDK for either production or sandbox apps. For sandbox, the app username is ALWAYS sandbox

# import package
import africastalking

# Initialize SDK
username = "YOUR_USERNAME"    # use 'sandbox' for development in the test environment
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"      # use your sandbox app API key for development in the test environment
africastalking.initialize(username, api_key)

# Initialize a service e.g. SMS
sms = africastalking.SMS

# Use the service synchronously
response = sms.send("Hello Message!", ["+2547xxxxxx"])

# Or use it asynchronously
def on_finish(error, response):
    if error is not None:
        raise error

sms.send("Hello Message!", ["+2547xxxxxx"], callback=on_finish)    

See example for more usage examples.


Initialize the SDK by calling africastalking.initialize(username, api_key). After initialization, you can get instances of offered services as follows:


  • fetch_application_data(): Get app information. e.g balance.


  • send(recipients: [dict]): Send airtime

    • recipients: Contains an array of arrays containing the following keys

      • phone_number: Recipient of airtime
      • amount: Amount to send with currency e.g 100
      • currency_code: 3-digit ISO format currency code (e.g KES, USD, UGX etc).


  • send(message: str, recipients: [str], sender_id: str = None, enqueue: bool = False): Send a message.

    • message: SMS content. REQUIRED
    • recipients: An array of phone numbers. REQUIRED
    • sender_id: Shortcode or alphanumeric ID that is registered with your Africa's Talking account.
    • enqueue: Set to true if you would like to deliver as many messages to the API without waiting for an acknowledgement from telcos.
  • send_premium(message: str, short_code: str, recipients: [str], link_id: [str] = None, retry_duration_in_hours [int] = None): Send a premium SMS

    • message: SMS content. REQUIRED
    • short_code: Your premium product shortCode. REQUIRED
    • recipients: An array of phone numbers. REQUIRED
    • keyword: Your premium product keyword.
    • link_id: We forward the linkId to your application when a user sends a message to your onDemand service
    • retry_duration_in_hours: This specifies the number of hours your subscription message should be retried in case it's not delivered to the subscriber
  • fetch_messages(last_received_id: int = 0): Fetch your messages

    • last_received_id: This is the id of the message you last processed. Defaults to 0
  • create_subscription(short_code: str, keyword: str, phone_number: str, checkout_token: str): Create a premium subscription

    • short_code: Premium short code mapped to your account. REQUIRED
    • keyword: Premium keyword under the above short code and is also mapped to your account. REQUIRED
    • phone_number: PhoneNumber to be subscribed REQUIRED
    • checkout_token: Token used to validate the subscription request REQUIRED. See token service
  • fetch_subscriptions(short_code: str, keyword: str, last_received_id: int = 0): Fetch your premium subscription data

    • short_code: Premium short code mapped to your account. REQUIRED
    • keyword: Premium keyword under the above short code and mapped to your account. REQUIRED
    • last_received_id: ID of the subscription you believe to be your last. Defaults to 0
  • delete_subscription(short_code: str, keyword: str, phone_number: str): Delete a phone number from a premium subscription

    • short_code: Premium short code mapped to your account. REQUIRED
    • keyword: Premium keyword under the above short code and is also mapped to your account. REQUIRED
    • phone_number: PhoneNumber to be subscribed REQUIRED


  • mobile_checkout(product_name: str, phone_number: str, currency_code: str, amount: float, metadata: dict = {}, provider_channel:str): Charge a customers mobile money account

    • product_name: Payment product on Africa's Talking. REQUIRED
    • phone_number: Customer phone number (in international format). REQUIRED
    • currency_code: 3-digit ISO format currency code (e.g KES, USD, UGX etc). REQUIRED
    • amount: Amount to charge. REQUIRED
    • metadata: Additional data to associate with the transaction. REQUIRED
    • provider_channel: The provider channel the payment will be initiated from e.g a paybill number. OPTIONAL
  • mobile_b2c(product_name: str, consumers: [dict]): Send mobile money to customers:

    • product_name: Payment product on Africa's Talking. REQUIRED

    • consumers: A list of up to 10 recipients. Each recipient has:

      • phoneNumber: Customer phone number (in international format). REQUIRED
      • currencyCode: 3-digit ISO format currency code (e.g KES, USD, UGX etc). REQUIRED
      • amount: Amount to pay. REQUIRED
      • reason: The purpose of the payment. See payments::REASON* for supported reasons. REQUIRED
      • metadata: Additional data to associate with the tranasction. REQUIRED
  • mobile_b2b(product_name: str, business: dict): Send mobile money to business.

    • product_name: Payment product on Africa's Talking. REQUIRED
    • business: Business details
      • provider: Payment provider that is facilitating this transaction. See payments::PROVIDER* for supported providers. REQUIRED
      • transferType: Describes the type of payment being made. See payments::TRANSFER_TYPE* for supported transfer types. REQUIRED
      • currencyCode: 3-digit ISO format currency code (e.g KES, USD, UGX etc). REQUIRED
      • destinationChannel: Name or number of the channel that will receive payment by the provider. REQUIRED
      • destinationAccount: Name used by the business to receive money on the provided destinationChannel. REQUIRED
      • amount: Amount to pay. REQUIRED
      • metadata: Additional data to associate with the transaction. REQUIRED
  • mobile_data(product_name: str, recipients: dict): Send mobile data to customers.

    • product_name: Payment product on Africa's Talking. REQUIRED
    • recipients: A list of recipients. Each recipient has:
      • phoneNumber: Customer phone number (in international format). REQUIRED
      • quantity: Mobile data amount. REQUIRED
      • unit: Mobile data unit. Can either be MB or GB. REQUIRED
      • validity: How long the mobile data is valid for. Must be one of Daily, Weekly and Monthly. REQUIRED
      • metadata: Additional data to associate with the transaction. REQUIRED
  • bank_checkout(product_name: str, currency_code: str, amount: float, bank_account: dict, narration: str, metadata: dict = {}): Initiate bank checkout.

    • product_name: Payment product on Africa's Talking. REQUIRED

    • bank_account: Bank account to be charged:

      • accountName: Name of the bank account. REQUIRED
      • accountNumber: Account number. REQUIRED
      • bankCode: A 6-Digit Integer Code for the bank that we allocate. See payments::BANK* for supported banks. REQUIRED
      • dateOfBirth: Date of birth of the account owner (in the format YYYY-MM-DD). Required for Zenith Bank Nigeria.
    • currency_ode: 3-digit ISO format currency code (only NGN is supported at present). REQUIRED

    • amount: Amount to charge. REQUIRED

    • narration: A short description of the transaction. REQUIRED

    • metadata: Additional data to associate with the transaction. REQUIRED

  • validate_bank_checkout(transaction_id: str, otp: str): Validate a bank checkout

    • transactionId: Transaction id returned from a bank charge request. REQUIRED
    • otp: One Time Password provided by the customer you're charging. REQUIRED
  • bank_transfer(product_name: str, recipients: [dict]): Move money form payment wallet to bank account.

    • product_name: Payment product on Africa's Talking. REQUIRED

    • recipients: A list of recipients. Each recipient has:

      • bankAccount: Bank account to receive money:

        • accountName: Name of the bank account. REQUIRED
        • accountNumber: Account number. REQUIRED
        • bankCode: A 6-Digit Integer Code for the bank that we allocate. See payments::BANK* for supported banks. REQUIRED
        • dateOfBirth: Date of birth of the account owner (in the format YYYY-MM-DD). Required for Zenith Bank Nigeria.
      • currencyCode: 3-digit ISO format currency code (only NGN is supported at present). REQUIRED

      • amount: Amount to pay. REQUIRED

      • narration: A short description of the transaction. REQUIRED

      • metadata: Additonal data to associate with the transaction. REQUIRED

  • card_checkout(product_name: str, currency_code:str, amount: float, payment_card: dict, narration: str, metadata: dict = {}): Initiate card checkout.

    • product_name: Payment product on Africa's Talking. REQUIRED

    • payment_card: Payment card to be charged:

      • number: Payment card number. REQUIRED
      • cvvNumber: 3 or 4 digit card verification Value. REQUIRED
      • expiryMonth: Expiration month on the card (e.g 8). REQUIRED
      • authToken: Payment card's ATM PIN. REQUIRED
      • countryCode: 2-Digit countryCode where the card was issued (only NG is supported at present). REQUIRED
    • checkout_token: A token that has been generated by our APIs as as result of charging a customers payment card in a previous transaction. When using a checkoutToken, the paymentCard data should NOT be populated.

    • currency_code: 3-digit ISO format currency code (only NGN is supported at present). REQUIRED

    • amount: Amount to charge. REQUIRED

    • narration: A short description of the transaction. REQUIRED

    • metadata: Additonal data to associate with the transaction. REQUIRED

  • validate_card_checkout(transaction_id: str, otp: str): Validate a card checkout

    • transactionId: Transaction id returned from a card charge request. REQUIRED
    • otp: One Time Password provided by the customer you're charging. REQUIRED
  • wallet_transfer(product_name: str, target_product_code: int, currency_code: str, amount: float, metadata: dict): Transfer money from one Payment Product to another Payment Product hosted on Africa's Talking.

    • product_name: Payment product on Africa's Talking. REQUIRED
    • target_product_code: Unique code ode of payment product receiving funds on Africa's Talking. REQUIRED
    • currency_code: 3-digit ISO format currency code (only NGN is supported at present). REQUIRED
    • amount: Amount to transfer. REQUIRED
    • metadata: Additional data to associate with the transation. REQUIRED
  • topup_stash(product_name: str, currency_code: str, amount: float, metadata: dict): Move money from a Payment Product to an app's stash.

    • product_name: Payment product on Africa's Talking. REQUIRED
    • currency_code: 3-digit ISO format currency code (only NGN is supported at present). REQUIRED
    • amount: Amount to transfer. REQUIRED
    • metadata: Additonal data to associate with the transaction. REQUIRED
  • fetch_product_transactions(product_name: str, filters: dict): Fetch transactions of a particular payment product.

    • productName: Payment product on Africa's Talking. REQUIRED
    • filters: Transaction filters.
      • pageNumber: Page number to fetch results from. Starts from 1. REQUIRED
      • count: Number of results to fetch. REQUIRED
      • startDate: Start Date to consider when fetching.
      • endDate: End Date to consider when fetching.
      • category: Category to consider when fetching.
      • provider: Provider to consider when fetching.
      • status: Status to consider when fetching.
      • source: Source to consider when fetching.
      • destination: Destination to consider when fetching.
      • providerChannel: Provider channel to consider when fetching.
  • wallet_transactions(filters: dict): Fetch your wallet transactions.

    • filters: Wallet transactions filters. REQUIRED
      • pageNumber: Page number to fetch results from. Starts from 1. REQUIRED
      • count: Number of results to fetch. REQUIRED
      • startDate: Start Date to consider when fetching.
      • endDate: End Date to consider when fetching.
      • category: Comma delimited list of categories to consider when fetching.
  • find_transaction(transaction_id: str): Find a particular payment transaction.

    • transaction_id: ID of trancation to find. REQUIRED
  • wallet_balance(): Fetch your wallet balance.


  • call(callFrom: str, callTo: [str]): Initiate a phone call

    • callFrom: Phone number on Africa's Talking (in international format). REQUIRED
    • callTo: An array of phone numbers that you wish to dial (in international format). REQUIRED
  • fetch_queued_calls(phone_number: str): Get queued calls

    • phone_number: Phone number mapped to your Africa's Talking account (in international format). REQUIRED
  • upload_media_file(phone_number: str, url: str): Upload voice media file

    • phone_number: phone number mapped to your Africa's Talking account (in international format). REQUIRED
    • url: The url of the file to upload. Should start with http(s)://. REQUIRED


  • create_checkout_token(phone_number: str): Create a new checkout token for phone_number.

    • phone_number: Phone number to create checkout token for
  • generate_auth_token(): Generate an auth token to use for authentication instead of an API key.


For more information, please read http://docs.africastalking.com/ussd


$ git clone https://github.com/AfricasTalkingLtd/africastalking-python.git
$ cd africastalking-python
$ touch .env

Make sure your .env file has the following content then run python -m unittest discover -v



If you find a bug, please file an issue on our issue tracker on GitHub.