
A simple command-line MP3 player written in Java

Primary LanguageJava


What is NeoPlayer

NeoPlayer is a command-line MP3 player that I created to demonstrate picoli (http://picocli.info/) command arguments parsing abilities. It uses another library JACo MP3 Player to play MP3 files.

How to build it

To build you will need maven installed. Simply run:

$ mvn package

The jar will be in target directory of the projeect.

How to use it

Show usage

To display usage:

$ java -jar neoplayer.jar --help

Play some music

Playing single file or a list of files

$ java -jar neoplayer.jar file1.mp3 file2.mp3

Playing from a playlist containing songs like:

/home/bob/Music/Bob Marley - No Woman No Cry.mp3 /home/bob/Music/Justin Bieber - Baby

$ java -jar neoplayer.jar -l playlist.lst

Special options

A few other options allow you to shuffle and repeat a playlist or file.

To repeat a playlist or file add the -r option.

To shuffle shuffle the playlist you add the -s option.