
A small web frontend framework for nim

Primary LanguageNimMIT LicenseMIT

This is in early development, so use with caution


Actim is a small, simple web frontend framework.

Actim works by simply defining a renderer proc that generates a VNode. This renderer will be called whenever some event occurs. And the DOM will be updated where its needed (dom diffing).


import actim

let style1 = newVStyle:
  "padding": 5.px
  "background-color": "#44ffaa"

template repeateCount(n: int, body: untyped): VNode =
  buildVNode "div":
    for i in 1 .. n:
      ++ text(i, ":")

proc buildDom: VNode =
  var testText {.global.} = "foo"

  buildVNode "div":
    style: newVStyle:
      "font-weight": "bold"

    handle "click":
      testText = "ba"

    ++ text testText

    ++ "a":
      attr "href": "/"
      ++ text "ho"

    ++ "br"

    +> repeateCount 3:
      style style1
      ++ text "foo"

setRenderer buildDom

Implicit vnode var

In every scope you have access to an implicit vnode variable, which is the currently constructed vnode.

So lets look at a short example by rewriting the following code:

buildVNode "div":
  style: newVStyle:
    "font-weight": "bold"

  handle "click":
    echo "click"

  ++ text "foo"


buildVNode "div":
  vnode.styles.add: newVStyle:
    "font-weight": "bold"

  vnode.handlers["click"] = proc(e: Event) =
    echo "click"

  vnode.childs &= text "foo"

In practice this is primarly usefull inside handlers, but maybe there are some other special cases where this comes in handy. If you need that manual access its there.


Defining components is really simple. Just write a proc/template/macro that generates the VDom.


let textInputStyle = newVStyle:
  "background-color": "#444"
  "color": "white"
  "padding": 20.px

proc drawTextInput*(styles: varargs[VStyle]): VNode =
  buildVNode "input":
    attr "type": "text"
    for s in styles:
      style s
    style textInputStyle
template drawNav*(body: untyped): VNode =
    navStyle = newVStyle:
      "background-color": "#bbb"
      "padding": 10.px

    optionStyleBase = newVStyle:
      "padding": 5.px

    optionStyle = extendVStyle optionStyleBase:
      "color": "#333"

    selectedOptionStyle = extendVStyle optionStyleBase:
      "color": "white"
      "background-color": "black"

    select {.global.} = 0
    optionNum = 0

  template option(title: static string, onclick: untyped) {.inject.} =
    ++ "div":
      ++ text title
      if optionNum == select:
        style selectedOptionStyle
        style optionStyle
        let n = optionNum
        handle "click":
          select = n

    inc optionNum

  buildVNode "div":
    style navStyle

# use:

proc buildDom: VNode =

    option "foo":
      echo "clicked"

    option "ba": discard

setRenderer buildDom


To use routing via the hash part of the url, use a proc(route: string): VNode as renderer.
Take a look at tests/test2.nim for a small example.


Issues and PRs are welcome.


  • Better documentation (espacially readme)
  • complete ajax module