
Sample Vaadin-Spring application

Primary LanguageJava

Claims (sample Vaadin-Spring web app)


    - Vaadin-powered UI
    - Spring-powered backend
    - Maven build with JRebel plugin
    - Spring security with HTTP digest auth + simple authorities
    - Active record-style data access with JPA 2 + simple service layer
    - AspectJ compile-time weaving, @Configurable and some ITDs
    - In-memory HSQLDB database


    - Sample tests (JUnit, WebDriver)
    - Table item paging (via JPA container?)
    - Declarative UI component visibility per user's authorities (plugin to rendering system?)
    - I18n (plugin to component rendering so that one could provide message keys to setCaption(...) etc. ?)  

If you have Maven installed, run "mvn clean tomcat:run" and browse to http://localhost:8080/claims. Login with jukka/s3cr3t.

You should also be able to import the project into SpringSource Tool Suite as-is, using EGit.

Note: This is WIP, subject to change at any time. I'm just using this to learn Vaadin.