This is arduino add-on package for NXP JN516x platform.
Copy into Arduino 1.5.x SDK.
Install BeyondStudio for NXP and JN516x-JenNet-IP Stack SDK.
BeyondStudio for NXP JN516x-JenNet-IP Stack SDK
Install to default destination (C:\NXP\bstudio_nxp).
Append build.path=[SOMEWHRER] and preproc.save_build_files=true. to Arduino preferences (%APPDATA%\Arduino15\preferences.txt).
!!! This software is in Early development stage .
- pinMode()
- digitalWrite()
- digitalRead()
- analogReference()
- analogRead()
- analogWrite()
- millis()
- micros()
- delay()
- Serial
- Stream
GPIO Function is mostly works.
Timer is work correctly until 15 seconds from system boot.
Serial.print function is bad. Work only Serial.write(uint8).
- delayMicroseconds()
- attachInterrupt()
- detachInterrupt()
- interrupts()
- noInterrupts()
- analogReadResolution()
- analogWriteResolution()
- tone()
- noTone()
- shiftOut()
- shiftIn()
- pulseIn()
- min()
- max()
- abs()
- constrain()
- map()
- pow()
- sqrt()
- sin()
- cos()
- tan()
- randomSeed()
- random()
- lowByte()
- highByte()
- bitRead()
- bitWrite()
- bitSet()
- bitClear()
- bit()
Device independed function maybe work correctly.
Binary files generated on build.path after build, burn the file to chip by writer program.