
A low-cost 2WD prototype model for Embedded Multi-agent Systems

Primary LanguageC++

ChonBot 2WD

ChonBots are low-cost basic prototype models, part of a Toolkit for teaching AI supported by robotic-agents.

A low-cost 2WD prototype model for Embedded Multi-agent Systems

Untitled design-min

Reasoning Layer


.act(goAhead  | goLeft    | goRight   | goBack  | stop ); // Motor direction
.act(buzzerOn | buzzerOnH | buzzerOnL | buzzerOff);       // Buzzer
.act(lightOn  | lightOnH  | lightOnL  | lightOff);        // HeadLight
.act(alertOn  | flashROn  | flashLOn  | flashLightOff);   // FlashLight
.act(speedH   | speedM    | speedL);                      // Motor speed
.act(breakLOn | breakLOff);                               // BreakLight


+motor(stopped  | running | turningRight  | turningLeft | backward).  // Motor Status
+flashLight(off | right   | left          | alert).                   // Flashlights LED
+light( off     | on      | high          | low).                     // HeadLight LED
+buzzer( off    | on      | high          | low).                     // Buzzer
+speed(default  | high    | low).                                     // Motor Speed
+breakL( off    | on).                                                // BreakLight LED
+luminosity(N).                                                       // LDR sensor
+distance(N).                                                         // Ultrasonic sensor
+lineL(N).                                                            // Line-following sensors

How to cite?

LAZARIN, Nilson Mori; PANTOJA, Carlos Eduardo; VITERBO, José. Towards a Toolkit for Teaching AI Supported by Robotic-agents: Proposal and First Impressions. In: WORKSHOP SOBRE EDUCAÇÃO EM COMPUTAÇÃO (WEI), 31. , 2023, João Pessoa/PB. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 20-29. ISSN 2595-6175. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/wei.2023.229753.