
SNU Multicore Computing 2017F final project

Primary LanguageC


2017F SNU Multicore Computing Project


Place CIFAR10 dataset at data/cifar-10.bin

Build & Run

The project uses cmake build system. Running cmake will generate GNU Makefile.

$ cmake .

After generating Makefile you can choose which one to build

$ make omp  # for single-cpu implementation
$ make opencl  # for single-gpu implementation
$ make opencl2  # for multiple gpu implementation
$ make mpi  # for mpi with multiple gpu implementation
$ make snucl  # for SNUCL implementation
$ make all  # to make all of above

and running

$ thorq --add ./omp <input.bmp> <output.bmp>
$ thorq --add --mode single --device gpu/7970 ./opencl <input.bmp> <output.bmp>
$ thorq --add --mode single --device gpu/7970 ./opencl2 <input.bmp> <output.bmp>
$ thorq --add --mode mpi --node 4 --device gpu/7970 ./mpi <input.bmp> <output.bmp>
$ thorq --add --mode snucl --node 4 --device gpu/7970 ./snucl <input.bmp> <output.bmp>

or you can use my thorq wrapper

$ python3 thorq.py --add ./omp <input.bmp> <output.bmp>
$ python3 thorq.py --add --mode single --device gpu/7970 ./opencl <input.bmp> <output.bmp>
$ python3 thorq.py --add --mode single --device gpu/7970 ./opencl2 <input.bmp> <output.bmp>
$ python3 thorq.py --add --mode mpi --node 4 --device gpu/7970 ./mpi <input.bmp> <output.bmp>
$ python3 thorq.py --add --mode snucl --node 4 --device gpu/7970 ./snucl <input.bmp> <output.bmp>