- An alternative
api - run a tree of tasks concurrently. - A hack free implementation of
Task Ports
- call JavaScript functions as tasks. - Run anywhere - works in the Browser or NodeJS.
This package is heavily inspired by elm-pages' BackendTask
and is intended to be a standalone implementation that can be dropped into any Elm app - big kudos to Dillon for the idea.
See the examples for more things you can do!
Preview the docs here.
I would love your help beta testing this library! If you're interested please checkout the Beta Testing Section.
, Task.map3
+ In elm/core
run each subtask in sequence.
Whilst it's possible to run these subtasks concurrently as separate Cmd
s, it can be a lot of wiring and boilerplate, including:
- Batching task commands together.
- Handling each task's success case.
- Handling each task's error case.
- Checking if all other tasks are completed every time an individual task finishes.
Elm Task Parallel handles this nicely but only at the top level (sub tasks cannot be parallelised).
And what if you want to speed up a complex nested task like:
Task.map2 combine
|> Task.andThen task2
|> Task.andThen
(\res ->
Task.map2 combine
(task3 res)
(Task.map2 combine
This is the elm equivalent of "callback hell".
This library helps you do this with a lot less boilerplate.
Sometimes you want to call JavaScript from elm in order.
For example sequencing updates to localstorage:
import ConcurrentTask exposing (ConcurrentTask)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
import Json.Encode as Encode
type Error
= Error String
updateTheme : Theme -> ConcurrentTask Error ()
updateTheme theme =
getItem "preferences" decodePreferences
|> ConcurrentTask.map (setTheme theme >> encodePreferences)
|> ConcurrentTask.andThen (setItem "preferences")
setItem : String -> Encode.Value -> ConcurrentTask Error ()
setItem key item =
{ function = "storage:setItem"
, expect = ConcurrentTask.expectWhatever
, errors = ConcurrentTask.expectThrows Error
, args =
[ ( "key", Encode.string key )
, ( "item", Encode.string (Encode.encode 0 item) )
getItem : String -> Decoder a -> ConcurrentTask Error a
getItem key decoder =
{ function = "storage:getItem"
, expect = ConcurrentTask.expectString
, errors = ConcurrentTask.expectThrows Error
, args = Encode.object [ ( "key", Encode.string key ) ]
|> ConcurrentTask.andThen (decodeItem decoder)
Popular implementations of Task Ports
rely on either:
- intercept certain http requests and call custom JavaScript from the service worker.- Monkeypatching
- Modify methods on the globalXMLHttpRequest
to intercept http requests and call custom JavaScript.
Both methods are not ideal (modifying global methods is pretty dodgy), and neither are portable to other environments like node (ServiceWorker
and XMLHttpRequest
are only native in the browser and require pollyfills).
uses plain ports and a bit of wiring to create a nice Task api.
This makes it dependency free - so more portable (🤓) and less likely to break (😄).
Because elm-concurrent-task
uses a different type to elm/core
it's unfortunately not compatible with elm/core
However, there are a number of tasks built into the JavaScript runner and supporting modules that should cover a large amount of the existing functionality of elm/core
Check out the built-ins for more details:
I would love your help beta testing this lib before publishing it!
If you want to try it out, here are a few steps:
- Clone this repo into your elm project:
git clone git@github.com:andrewMacmurray/elm-concurrent-task.git
- Add
to yourelm.json
"source-directories": [
Follow steps 2 & 3 in the Getting Started section below to try it out in your project.
You can preview the docs here.
Leave an issue or chat to me on the
#Elm Slack
- I'd love to hear from you with any feedback 😄.
Install the elm package with
elm install andrewMacmurray/elm-concurrent-task
Install the JavaScript/TypeScript runner with
npm install @andrewMacmurray/elm-concurrent-task
Your Elm program needs
in yourModel
to keep track of each task attempt:type alias Model = { tasks : ConcurrentTask.Pool Msg Error Success }
s to handle task updates:type Msg = OnProgress ( ConcurrentTask.Pool Msg Error Success, Cmd Msg ) -- updates task progress | OnComplete (ConcurrentTask.Response Error Success) -- called when a task completes
2 ports with the following signatures:
port send : Decode.Value -> Cmd msg port receive : (Decode.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg
Here's a simple complete program that fetches 3 resources concurrently:
port module Example exposing (main)
import ConcurrentTask exposing (ConcurrentTask)
import ConcurrentTask.Http as Http
import Json.Decode as Decode
type alias Model =
{ tasks : ConcurrentTask.Pool Msg Error Titles
type Msg
= OnProgress ( ConcurrentTask.Pool Msg Error Titles, Cmd Msg )
| OnComplete (ConcurrentTask.Response Error Titles)
type alias Error =
-- Get All Titles Task
type alias Titles =
{ todo : String
, post : String
, album : String
getAllTitles : ConcurrentTask Error Titles
getAllTitles =
ConcurrentTask.succeed Titles
|> ConcurrentTask.andMap (getTitle "/todos/1")
|> ConcurrentTask.andMap (getTitle "/posts/1")
|> ConcurrentTask.andMap (getTitle "/albums/1")
getTitle : String -> ConcurrentTask Error String
getTitle path =
{ url = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com" ++ path
, headers = []
, expect = Http.expectJson (Decode.field "title" Decode.string)
, timeout = Nothing
-- Program
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( tasks, cmd ) =
{ send = send
, pool = ConcurrentTask.pool
, onComplete = OnComplete
( { tasks = tasks }, cmd )
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
OnComplete response ->
_ =
Debug.log "response" response
( model, Cmd.none )
OnProgress ( tasks, cmd ) ->
( { model | tasks = tasks }, cmd )
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
{ send = send
, receive = receive
, onProgress = OnProgress
port send : Decode.Value -> Cmd msg
port receive : (Decode.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg
main : Program {} Model Msg
main =
{ init = always init
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
Connect the runner to your Elm app:
import * as ConcurrentTask from "@andrewMacmurray/elm-concurrent-task";
// if you're beta testing this lib: import * as ConcurrentTask from "./elm-concurrent-task/runner"
const app = Elm.Main.init({});
tasks: {},
ports: {
send: app.ports.send,
receive: app.ports.receive,
The value passed to tasks
is an object of task names to functions (the functions can return plain synchronous values or promises)
e.g. tasks for reading and writing to localStorage:
const tasks = {
"storage:get": (args) => localStorage.getItem(args.key),
"storage:set": (args) => localStorage.setItem(args.key, args.item),
Install Dependencies:
npm install
Run the tests with:
npm test
To preview any changes, try some of the examples in the examples folder.
View the docs locally with:
npm run docs