is a CLI tool designed to facilitate the creation and management of sum types (aka union types) in Go. This tool simplifies the process of generating boilerplate code for discriminated union types, making it easier to work with its variants in Go.
To define this sum type:
type User
= Anonymous
| Member String Time
| Admin String
write this Go type definition, e.g. in declaration.go
type UserVariants struct { // be sure to suffix the name with `Variants`
Anonymous func()
Member func(email string, since time.Time)
Admin func(email string)
Execute this command to generate User
type from your UserVariants
go install # to install
sumtype-go -input declaration.go
To generate declaration.boilerplate.go
and start using User
users := []User{
Anonymous(), // this returns a `User` value
Member("Alice", time.Now()), // this also returns a `User` value
Admin("Bob"), // this also returns a `User` value
and we can pattern match User
values and return a different value depending on pattern matched variant
userString := UserMap(user, UserVariantsMap[string]{
Anonymous: func() string {
return "Anonymous coward"
Member: func(email string, since time.Time) string {
return email + " (member since " + since.String() + ")"
Admin: func(email string) string {
return email + " (admin)"
or do different things depending on pattern matched variant
func SendReply(u User, comment Comment) {
Anonymous: func() {
// noop
Member: func(email string, since time.Time) {
sendEmail(email, comment)
Admin: func(email string) {
sendEmail(email, comment)
Refer to example/gosumtype_1_*.go
We support generics too. e.g. the classic Result
type Result x a
= Err x
| Ok a
can be defined as
type ResultVariants[x, a any] struct {
Err func(err x)
Ok func(data a)
Same thing, after executing sumtype-go
to generate the .boilerplate.go
file, you can use
the generated Result
like this
results := []Result[string, int]{
Err[string, int]("Oops err"), // this returns a `Result` value
Ok[string, int](42), // this also returns a `Result` value
for i, result := range results {
HandleResult(i, result) // implement your own `func HandleResult(int, Result[string, int])`
Refer to example/result_1_*.go
To install sumtype-go
, ensure you have Go installed on your system, and then run the following command:
go install
After installation, you can start using sumtype-go
by invoking it from the command line.
$ sumtype-go -h
Usage of sumtype-go:
-input string
Input file name
-pattern-match string
Name of the pattern match method (default "Match")
-suffix string
Suffix of the struct defining variants (default "Variants")
Here's a basic example of how to use it:
sumtype-go -input example/gosumtype_1_declaration.go