
ASCII art and Python script for sending / receiving data from children over NRF24L01+ radios using the RF24 libs

Primary LanguageC++


Steps to set up the Raspberry Pi to communicate via the NRF24L01+ radio
0/ flash SD card with latest raspbian stretch lite (from April 19)

1/ Be sure to include an empty file named ssh in the root of your newly flashed SD card so you can SSH into it later

2/ You will also want to enable SPI on by default (this is how the Rasbperry Pi will communicate with our radio) by editing the file called config.txt in the root of the Rasbperry Pi image and making sure that this is in there:

2/ Connect to your pi with user pi and default password raspberry
$ ssh pi@raspberrypi.local

3/ Go into the raspi-config tool and change the default password!!! Additionally, enable SPI, expand system to take up the full disk space of your SD card and join a wireless network so you are connected to the internet.
$ sudo raspi-config

4/ Install git, RF24 for radio comms and other image processing libraries
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install git libboost-python-dev python-pip libjpeg-dev libfreetype6 libfreetype6-dev zlib1g-dev python-pil python-requests -y
$ git clone https://github.com/nRF24/RF24.git
$ cd RF24
$ sudo make install
$ cd pyRF24
$ sudo python setup.py build
$ sudo python setup.py install

5/ Install this repo
$ git clone https://github.com/chootka/rpi-compostpile.git
$ cd rpi-compostpile

6/ Add the script to your profile so it boots automatically on start up $ sudo nano /etc/profile
$ sudo python /home/pi/p2p/parent-children.py &

7/ Reboot

Additional Resources

Image to ASCII art converter: http://picascii.com/