A simple Passport strategy for LinkedIn OAuth2.
npm install passport-linkedin-oauth2
Register the strategy
var LinkedInStrategy = require('passport-linkedin-oauth2').Strategy;
passport.use(new LinkedInStrategy({
clientSecret: LINKEDIN_SECRET,
callbackURL: ""
scope: ['r_emailaddress', 'r_basicprofile'],
}, function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
// asynchronous verification, for effect...
process.nextTick(function () {
// To keep the example simple, the user's Google profile is returned to
// represent the logged-in user. In a typical application, you would want
// to associate the Google account with a user record in your database,
// and return that user instead.
return done(null, profile);
and then authenticate as:
passport.authenticate('linkedin', { state: 'SOME STATE' }),
function(req, res){
// The request will be redirected to LinkedIn for authentication, so this
// function will not be called.
the login callback:
app.get('/auth/linkedin/callback', passport.authenticate('linkedin', {
successRedirect: '/',
failureRedirect: '/login'
See this for details on LinkedIn API.
MIT - 2013 - AUTH0