
Remix with Payload CMS project template

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Payload CMS and Remix monorepo

This is an example repository of how to set up Payload CMS for content management together with Remix, in such a manner that each application is divided into its own package (including the express server app).

The Payload instance is injected into Remix loaders and actions through request context. This way we are free to use the Payload Local API for data, user and authentication management, while avoiding payload having to be bundled together with the remix server build. With this setup you can even use the Payload Authentication middleware in your remix application.


Originally forked from here major differences include:

  • Migration from pnpm to npm
  • Enabling esm module format
  • Updating Remix to v2 conventions
  • Remove @org/ prefix from packages
  • Migration from ts-node to tsm for express server compilation

What's inside?

This monorepo is using npm for package management.

Apps and Packages

  • /apps/cms: a Payload CMS application, which will act as our backend and admin interface
  • /apps/web: a Remix application, which will act as our frontend
  • /apps/server: a ExpressJS application that ties all our middleware, static file serving and routing needs together
  • /packages/ui: a stub React component library shared by both web and cms applications
  • /packages/eslint-config-custom: eslint configurations


  • TypeScript for static type checking
  • ESLint for code linting
  • Prettier for code formatting
  • Turborepo for running monorepo builds and script in a DX friendly and parallel manner
  • Nodemon for running the express server while listening to file changes in the Payload CMS package


Get started by running npm install from the root of the monorepo. Create a /apps/server/.env.local file based on /apps/server/.env and add your connection string to MongoDB as well as a secret for PayloadCMS to use in order to keep your data secure. .env will be loaded first, and then .env.local. That way you can keep your non-secret variables in the .env files which also is commited to git, and secret variables in .env.local that isn't commited to git.


To develop all apps and packages, run npm run dev from the root of the monorepo. This will start the express server that serves both the Remix and PayloadCMS applications. When saving file changes in the apps/cms package, the running express server will restart in order for the Payload CMS configuration changes to take effect. Remix is reloaded without restarting the express server by purging the node require() cache of previously imported Remix files.


To build all apps and packages, run npm run build from the root of the monorepo. Turborepo will take care of running the build scripts in order so that packages depending on other monorepo packages is built last.

If you want, serve your production build with npm run serve from the root of the monorepo.


Using tsx to compile express server

Unfortunately because of tsx#113 we can't currently use it to compile the express server.

In the iterim tsm is working fine with nodemon.