#Youtube API -v3 ####Notes I've used the Zend library to query Youtube results, but the library is convoluted, difficult to extend, and written for version 2. I created my own library specifically geared towards V3. It's much easier to extend, and ALOT faster and less expensive in retriving Titles and VideoIDS. This is for two reasons. I am using version 3, and I also make use of static variables. Thus, there is no need to continuously call the API on every "get" function until the "clear" function is called.
- [Youtube API Documentation] (https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/search/list)
- [Example Rest Query] (https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=id&maxResults=10&order=rating&q=zelda&safeSearch=none&type=video&videoDuration=long&videoEmbeddable=true&key={YOUR_API_KEY})
- [Obtaining your Youtube API] (https://cloud.google.com/console)
####How To Use
- Be sure to require Youtube.php:
- Instantiate your object:
$yt = new Youtube();
- Set your Youtube API key:
- Set your Youtube search parameters:
q('Search Query')->
- Get the Youtube Title and Youtube Video IDs as arrays:
$id = $yt->get()->id();
$title = $yt->get()->title();
If for example, you set maxResults = 10, you will retrieve an output of 10 ids and 10 titles in a feed. $id
and $title
are arrays that hold this feed, and they can be iterated through in a for loop.
- Be sure you call the clear function after you are done retrieving results:
- A shell example is provided in
####Real Example Usage
- This script is used to power the video section part of [Game Binder] (http://www.gamebinder.com/)
- Link to [Assassin's Creed Walkthrough] (http://www.gamebinder.com/game/12/assassins-creed/yt_walkthrough/)