A simple erlang parser for BBCode -> HTML.
Not extensive, nor terribly well implemented, more of a quick and dirty approach
Does not sanitize anything, except for converting angle brackets and quotes to their HTML-Encodings.
Does not truly parse the text, and does not check for matching opening and closing tags.
Raw = "Some String with [i]italics[/i], [b]Bold[/b], [url=http://google.com]Links[/url] and images: [img]http://i.imgur.com/3B0pt3M.jpg[/img]",
Compiled = bbcode:compile(Raw),
{deps, [
{bbcode, ".*", {git, "git://github.com/choptastic/bbcode.git", {branch, master}}}
Author: Jesse Gumm (@jessegumm)
MIT License