
An Erlang app for wrapping strings in boxes

Primary LanguageErlangApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Wraps a terminal message in boxes.

sample image

Add to rebar.config

{deps, [
    boxer %% <- add this right here


Printing and Formatting

  • boxer:print(Msg): Prints a message with the default box style (single-line)
  • boxer:print(Msg, LineDefName): Prints a message with the specified LineDefName (by default, supported are the atoms single, double, and hash).
  • boxer:wrap(Msg): Returns a unicode string list wrapped in the default box style (single-line).
  • boxer:wrap(Msg, LineDefName): Returns a unicode string list wrapped in the specified LineDef.


You can customize the box-style by creating new definitions (or changing the existing ones)

Formatting the custom definitions

A Line Definition (Box Style) consists of the following information:

  • A name (like double or single)
  • A map with the following fields:
    chars =>
        [Horiz, Vert, TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft],
    h_padding =>
    v_padding =>

For example, the single line definition looks like this:

    chars => "─│┌┐┘└",
    h_padding => 0,
    v_padding => 0

Adding via the Erlang shell

Here's how to add a sample definition that makes a simple border using just periods (dots).

Def = #{chars=>"......", h_padding=>1},
boxer:add_line_def(dots, Def).

Adding via configuration

To add the above dot example via config, add the following to your app.config:

    {boxer, [
        {boxer_line_defs, [
            {dots, #{chars=>"......", h_padding=>1}}

Comments and Contribution

Pull requests and Issues welcome!


License and Copyright

Copyright 2024 Jesse Gumm

Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License