
apparently we're the RFC police

Primary LanguageRuby


apparently we're the RFC police.

1863BFAF is a project to validate adherence to HTTP/1.1 as defined by RFC2616


we found this problem while writing some exploratory Ruby code using Sinatra and Sequel, which boiled down to:

require 'sequel'
require 'sinatra'

# model
class Foo < Sequel::Model

# database
db = Sequel.connect('sqlite://test.db')
db.create_table? :bar do
  primary_key :id
  String :name

# routes
post '/api/baz' do

and when trying to test it with wget --post-data 'fizz=buzz' http://localhost:4567/api/baz, were seeing unexpected results to seemingly innocuous HTTP requests..

so we tried curl -d fizz=buzz -X POST http://localhost:4567/api/baz, didn't have the same problem, and kept moving forward with the POC.

but something was wrong - and for ~once, it wasn't our code.

what is the problem?

(presumed/usually) regular expressions/parsing mechanisms that do not strictly follow RFC2616.

and less apocalyptically: Sinatra was following Ruby standards and returning the result of the last line of the route method - which in our case was the ID of the entry in the DB


language library language version library version success? context
binary curl 7.37.1 N/A yes
binary wget 1.15 N/A no (number) ERROR -1: Malformed status line., additionally: reported with exit code 4, 'Network failure.'
java java.net.UrlHTTPConnection 1.7 1.7 yes/no (number) body is conflated as HTTP status code, that even when invalid, no error is raised - so we raise our own
perl HTTP::Tiny 5.10.0, 5.18.2 0.025 no (number) ERROR: 599
perl LWP::UserAgent 5.10.0, 5.18.2 6.05 yes
php http_get 5.5.14 468225 no (number) <unknown, bug in reporting>
python httplib2 2.7.5 2.7.5 no (number) BadStatusLine: HTTP/1.1 36
python urllib2 2.7.5 2.7 no (number) BadStatusLine: HTTP/1.1 16
ruby net-http 2.2.2 2.2.2 no (number) wrong status line: "HTTP/1.1 40 "

599, 36, 16 and 40 are not error codes returned by the library/binary, but the random number returned by our number route

running tests yourself

the entry point to all* tests is test/<language>/<library>/test.sh which does some dependency checking and exits with 0 to avoid false positives.

most developer machines will already have all pre-requisites

* for tests that use binary files directly, the expected path changes to test/binary/<binary>/test.sh

pre-built gem installation (stable)

Gem Version

$ gem install 1863BFAF
$ echo $?

from-source installation (latest)

build status

$ git clone https://github.com/chorankates/1863BFAF.git
$ cd 1836BFAF
$ bundle install
$ rake server
== Sinatra (v1.4.7) has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from WEBrick
$ rake test
$ echo $?
$ rake test:perl test:java
$ echo $?
$ rake server:stop
== Sinatra has ended his set (crowd applauds)